Motivational Monday #8

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Something a little different today. 

If you have been following this series (all previous posts linked below) you will have noted that I take inspirational words/typography from Pinterest and we have a little chat about how we can incorporate it into our own lives.

Well this week, rather than using the a pin already found, I decided to make my own. I would like to encourage you to pin it on whatever board you see fit (if you like it of course) and then we can all add to the world of inspirational words! Yay! I've made two versions so please pin the one you like best. I wonder which one will win?

Inspirational Quote

Please pin whichever quote looks most appealing to you. 

Inspirational Quote

So this is a quote that I think my Dad told me when I was about 9 and struggling with my school work and it's stuck with me for nearly 20 years.

The idea is that if you carry on doing all the same things, nothing will ever change. It pushes you to try something a little different and reap the rewards of a new outcome. It's really, really easy to get stuck in a rut (believe me, I'm Mrs Rut!) and begrudge things in your life, but more often than not, it's something we can change ourselves. For example, whilst I was in Orlando, every single time I had to put swimwear on I would think, 'Urgh my thighs are so jibbly'. It's all very well thinking they're jibbly but then if I carry on just sitting about thinking it, they're not going to change. I need to do something different, like a smidge of exercise here and there! 

Think about something you're not happy about in your life today. Now think about something you could do differently to help it. I'm not suggesting playing the lottery in the hope of paying off all your debts, but achievable things, like swapping a fizzy drink at lunch time for a bottle of water, or swapping  watching Hollyoaks (who watches it anyway?!?!) for 30 minutes of extra homework.

Is there anything you can do differently? Will you be pinning either of these quotes?




This month my Ultimate Advertiser is  Kittenish Behaviour. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE

Reviving Wilted Lilacs... Again

This is a post from about a year ago, but I decided to share it again because I had to go back a reread it myself.

Today I received some fresh cut lilacs from the same friends that gave me the last bunch.  This time the lilacs had traveled about an hour to get to me in a plastic baggie and wet paper towel, so they were a little droopy. And then later this evening I noticed that they had started to wilt. Not wanting to let a fresh bouquet go to waste I pulled out this post.


Some friends of ours have a huge lilac bush in their backyard, you might as well call it a tree, and every year they give me a bouquet of lilacs. Well, this was the weekend for me to pick up my bouquet. Oh, they smell so yummy! 

Unfortunately after the pickup, we were delayed in getting them home and into some water. Actually, they sat in the car for a couple of hours while we were visiting with some other friends. When we got back into the car my loving husband looks at me and said, "Babe, it looks like your flowers are on Skid Row." My reply, "Gee, thanks Babe..." 

What a travesty!

As you can tell I didn't even make it in the house before I stopped in the laundry/mudroom to show you the Skid Row lilacs.

Through my sobbing, I could hear these lilacs crying out to me, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." There was still some umph yet to be revived, so I gave them a fighting chance by...
 - Filling a vase with hot tap water
 - Cutting 1/2 inch off the bottom of each stem at angle under running water
 - Placing all the stems in the hot water
 - Sticking the vase full of flowers in a closet for 2 hours

When I took them out of the closet, I put them in fresh cold water and...

I promise, this is the same bouquet.

These are truly the little flowers that could!

Till next time...

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Welcome Home

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Oooohhhh I've missed this 'ere slice of the net. 

I've been away for a week in Florida and returned yesterday with a suitcase full of goodies for Baby Glitter and a metaphorical bag full of jet lag for me. 

Orlando Florida Sunset
(Orlando at sunset, courtesy of my iphone)

I thought I would just take today to organise myself. I'm going to sift through my rather neglected inbox (the wifi at our hotel was terrible), play with Darcy, unpack, research washing machines (ours broke dagnamit), catch up on sleep and of course, plan some blog posts and videos.

So hello, here I am again, soon to be back properly and looking forward to being back in the swing of things.

What have you all been up to? Do you have any Easter plans?

This month my Ultimate Advertiser is  Kittenish Behaviour. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.

More Kitchen Organizing

This past weekend I was about to rearrange a few of my kitchen cabinets when I realized I had never shared  the original look with you. So I figured there is no time like the present. Then ones I rearranged I'll show you the before and the after, also some of the ones I didn't touch.

What brought on this revamp? I'm about to embark on a cleanse of sorts and have to give up coffee. So I was getting ready to pack away this whole scene and decided to rearrange while I was at.

Goodbye delicious coffee! You have been there for me on many a dreary eyed morning. You will be missed... at least until these headaches go away.

Now that I have mourned, on to the cabinets... the dish cabinet before.

(The hubby says I have a Tweety bird head, so that mug was a reminder gift. It makes me smile every time I look at it.)

For the dish cabinet, most of the changes happened on the top two shelves. I moved the coffee mugs to the top shelf since I will not be using them as often. Also I moved the Le Creuset teapot over here with the other teapots. 

The serving dish cabinet before.

And after, its a mix of vintage and new pieces.

You may have noticed that there were originally some canning items in the before serving dish cabinet, they where moved next door. Notice the vintage scale that some crazy person painted green!!! But it was only $2.

Next door to that are our wine and cocktail glasses.

Below the dish cabinet is our "appliance garage."

Now, I had planned on sharing the rest of the kitchen but, after this shot I was interrupted and then drafted. Drafted into what, you ask. Well... I'll let the picture tell you.

The hubs was making salsa and I needed to be his sous chef. You can blame him for not being able to see the rest of the kitchen in this post. Oh yes, the salsa is fabulous!!!

Till next time...

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Where We Dine... Or Should Be Dining

Thank goodness for the weekend!!!!!

I know I don't normally post on the weekend, but I just had to share what I've been thinking about. I'm pondering what to do with this space. 

Actually, I have some fresh cut lilac on the table, as I type this from very space. As you can see it gets a lot of light, which is great but... yeah, its rather sparse at the moment. This is the look I leaning towards.


All of these are gorgeous spaces with a very vintage feel... now the question is where do I begin????

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, till next time...

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