How To Fix A Spray Paint Smudge

Yesterday I showed a darling family of owls and mentioned that I was going to spray paint them.

Well, that's exactly what I was doing until one of them almost fell and I had to grab it. NOOOO, say it ain't so! I just stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. I have never had to fix a spray paint smudge. Have you?

Logic was telling me to sand it. But with what? 220 grit... that will surely leave deeper scratches. Hold on, but what a minute... what about steel wool?

I waited until the coat of spray paint had dried and then pulled a piece of steel wool off. (Do you see the paint on my hands from me breaking the fall?)

Next, I lightly buffed the imperfection until it was smooth to the touch.

Then it was time to respray. Still wet, but looks like it might work. (BTW this is primer)

Hallelujah... it worked. Now I can add the final coat.

Thanks for visiting... till next time.

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Tutorials & Tips Party - Home Stories A-2-Z
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