Last week I mentioned that I was going to share with you a glimpse of how I keep our house running smoothly. Today, I'm following through on my statement with part one, our Home Management Binder.
This is actually my second attempt at a Home Management Binder. The first one that I made was based on the fact that I thought I was going to use it as a daily planner. Uh, that did not happen, like, at all. I found that the binder would just sit until I needed to record info, like vehicle maintenance or medical info. Looking back, I think the binder was just too big and cumbersome for me to pick up and use on a daily basis.
So for my new binder I decided to make it more of a reference/instruction manual on running our house. Oh, you want to know what the difference is? Basically, I didn't include anything having to do with our schedules nor daily to dos. Why did I do this? Here's my logic: I have a planner that I carry around with me for my day-to day stuff, so the schedule is handled. I'm normally the one to handle most of the business for our house and if something happens to me the hubby is going to be up the creek without a paddle. Or in the unfortunate event that something happens to both of us, our designated person will be able to use this binder along with my second binder and get things handled.
Here's how I broke it down... my sections are:
- Contacts
- Medical
- Vehicle
- Inventory
- Pets
- Travel
- Emergency
Family Contact Info
Friends Contact Info
Service Companies Info
Insurance Companies Info
Copy of Medical Directives
List of Current Medications w/Dosages
Copy of Insurance Cards
Explanation of Benefits
Copy of Life Insurance Documents
Home Maintenance Record
Winter/Spring/Deep Cleaning Checklist
Vehicle Maintenance Record
Copy of Proof of Insurance
Copy of Registration/Title
Home Inventory List (for each room)
Storage Inventory List
Pet Care Instructions
Vaccination Records
Rabies Certification
Registration Records
Pre-Travel Checklist
Travel Checklist (one for each person)
Travel Itinerary
Emergency Information
Emergency Plan
Emergency Kit Info
Disaster Relief How-To
I was not able to show a lot of the sheets in this binder because of the personal information, but I will be adding a printable tab so you can view and download them. Stay tuned for that and part two which will feature our Financial/Tax Prep Binder.

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