Aloha Sprinklerinos,
I hope you've all had a fabulous August and have made the most of the final weeks before Autumn is upon us and the school year begins again. I'm a huge lover of Autumn and all it's cosiness so I'm actually rather excited to welcome September with slightly chilly arms! However before we wish away the end of the month we need to first have a look through the Amazing Advertisers and appreciate all their hard blogging word, alrighty let's go!
Alycia Grayce is the beauty and the brains behind Crowley Party, a lifestyle blog which I assure will give you all the warm and fuzzies. It is beautifully written, clearly well loved and quite frankly a joy to read. This month I have particularly loved reading Alycia Grayce’s personal posts about family, she’s shared a touching tribute to both her sister and her husband which have made me feel ever so slightly gooey with love. If it’s a pep in your step you’re after, a window into someone else’s adventures or just a genuinely lovely blog to have a read through then Crowley Party is your gal.
Emily Lovess is a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog written by Emily, a firm favourite in my books for rocking the Sandy D look. If anyone can pull off vibrant red curls, disco pants and an off the shoulder leather jacket, it’s Emily. It’s full of attitude and I love it! As well as oozing some sexiness this month Emily has also blogged about her Robin Hood adventures, favourite beauty bits and also shared a tasty yet healthy smoothie recipe, she’s done it all that gal! I’m excited to see future posts from Emily, she’s a keeper in the blogging books!
Charlotte’s Web is a little space of the web every gal should read, as Charlotte is primarily a lifestyle blogger, often sharing her thoughts and feelings on all things love, heartache and boys. I’m a lover of bloggers who share personal musings and thoughts with the blogging community, it makes you feel like you’ve got another friend out there which is just lovely and Charlotte is no exception. This month Charlotte shared her thoughts on break ups and the first ‘I love you’, Adele and Kit Kat overload included. Go on, have a gander and fall in love.
I like Jessica, she’s a nice gal in my books and this month her blog has been a happy addition to my blog reading list. Jessica is a lifestyle blogger who shares her thoughts on travel, weight loss and home interior which happens to be right up my street (a lover of Pinterest is a friend of mine.) This month Jessica shared pictures of her recent adventure to Paris with macaroons, chocolate cake and all the touristy bits included as well as her thoughts on being a curvy gal in this world who happens to have a love of carbs, me too Jessica, me too. If you too love carbs, blogging and nice gals then give Jessica Casillas a cheeky read.
EyeZedZedWhy is a lifestyle blog written by Izzy, lover of adventure and activity enthusiast. This summer Izzy has decided to set herself the challenge of doing something adventurous every day for 30 days in order to make her summer a good’un. Izzy has shared her progress through EyeZedZedWhy and so far she’s storming through those activities! From bowling to crazy golf, baking to a day without internet, she’s doing it all. If you’d like to check in on Izzy and her challenge, or even join in yourself then go and have a gander, go on!
A Midnight in Wonderland is an online boutique selling all of the pretties you could possibly imagine, and it's all affordable too! This month I've had my eye on a few of the blouses, you can never own to many floaty, floral shirts after all! The jewellery is also something of which makes my eyeballs sparkle, it's unique and frankly, quite fabulous! If you're in need of an affordable wardrobe or jewellery box addition A Midnight in Wonderland is worth having a browse of.
Anna in Wonderland is a blog I discovered a few months ago when Anna first began advertising with Sprinkle of Glitter and I’ve been a fan of it ever since. Anna’s area of blogging expertise is definitely her ability to teach us a thing or two about history which I personally love, it’s something a little bit different and I believe you’re never too old to learn! This month Anna has shared a variety of posts which demonstrate her vast knowledge and writing expertise, from exciting information about her soon to be published novel, how exciting! Well done Anna.
If you’ve been a reader of Sprinkle of Glitter for a while now then you’ll know I have a soft spot for Life is Worth the Fight, it’s a beautiful blog written by a beautiful gal who deserves all the praise and Millie’s cookies in the world for being such a good’un! If you don’t already know Stacie suffers with a long term illness which she often blogs about and is a continuous inspiration to us all. This month I have been pleased as punch to see Stacie is now vlogging, it’s a joy to see her personality in life form after months of being a lover of her blog. If you don’t already follow Stacie, I certainly recommend you do, she’s a good egg.
April advertised with Sprinkle of Glitter last month and her blog Beautiface was certainly a treat for the eyes, I’m particularly a lover of the spectacular photography and attention to detail. This month April’s posts have been exceptionally informative, well written and brimming with all the loveliness you could possibly want from a good ol’ beauty blog including a fair few reviews, blogger insight and even financial advice for those of us affected by the love of all things beauty. What more could you possibly want?
Ahh Tom, an old faithful advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter and a good ol' blogger too. Tom has advertised many times in the past and each month his lifestyle blog has always been an exciting read with good quality posts, professional photos of plentiful amounts and adventures which you can't help but continue to follow. Tom definitely has a talent for lifestyle blogging and it is lovely to see how far he and Daydream in Blue have come since he first joined the Sprinklerinos all those moons ago!
Diana is a fashion blogger with a wardrobe filled with the most beautiful clothes you ever did see, what's more Diana shares all her beautiful pieces with the world on both her blog and
Instagram account where she continues to be a popular fashionista. If it's inspiration you're after, or just appreciate a beautiful gal and wonderful photography then LA by Diana is definitely the fashion blog for you. This month on her blog Diana has shared a variety of posts from beachy fashion, to casual jeans and even an anti ageing smoothie recipe! Yes please!!
A blog that warms my heart, Bump to Baby is written by mummy blogger Alex who talks about all things toddlers, parenting and pregnancy, definitely a blog for those of you with a bun in the oven or a little family of your own. This month Bump to Baby has been brimming with helpful parenting advice from activities, to preventing pregnancy symptoms and even a discussion on after school activities which was a very interesting read as a mama of a not yet school age baby with schooling to consider. I thoroughly recommend Bump to Baby as the perfect parenting and lifestyle blog, babies and heart melting photos included!
We've had a great bunch of Amazing Advertisers for August, I'm always pleased to discover new bloggers with a passion for writing, I hope you've found a couple of additional blogging loves too this month!
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