Mama's Den is Done... Well Mostly

Its been so long since I've posted. I wish I could say I was on vacation, but I was soooo not on vacation. I was driving the hubby crazy rearranging furniture in my office. I think I moved the table in the center of my office about 15 times before I was happy with the location. Then I had a huge blank wall I had to do something with since I see it when I'm blogging... not very inspirational. So I had to figure out what to do without spending any moo-lah.

I've shown you a couple of the walls in my office here and here, but only one wall is "basically" the same. What can I say, I'm a compulsive re-arranger.  This is what I started with, a hot mess.

And this is what I ended up with. This is the room at night when it sees the most action. Very soothing tones after a long day, not as dark as it appears in the photo though. As you can tell I am still looking for a big comfy chair that swivels so I can use both the table and roll-top desk.

Now here are some features during the day. The table in the center is actually the very modern glass computer desk seen in the before photo that I covered. I can still connect my laptop and type ergonomically correct. Can't get carpel tunnel syndrome while blogging!

My laptop sits on top of my printer paper storage. The hubby offered to buy me a riser for the laptop, but it looked too industrial. You can also see the former blank with my free solution.

I love this lamp, it looks like mercury glass.

When I was putting my office back together, most important was to be surround with things I love since I spend a lot of time in here. My solution for the blank wall was inspirational words (each in a different font), words that represent the way I live my life. Faith is what I build my life around, which why it is in the center. The very last row has been crucial the past few years... sometimes there is nothing you can do to change a situation and you just have to relax, laugh, and live one day at a time.

This re-do so far cost a total of $5 for the basket on the table. How you like them apples! 

Thanks for visiting... till next time.

I'm linking this to:
Transformation Thursday - The Shabby Chic Cottage

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