Life At A Halt For A Bag of Stones

It's been so long since I have been able to concentrate on posting. I was cruising along just fine and all of a sudden everything around me came to a halt and I had tunnel vision. Everything other than what was in front of me became irrelevant.

I'm sure its happened to you when a loved one has fallen ill. Well, that's what happened to me. Starting a fews ago it was becoming clear that something bad was going on with my darling Mya.

Yes, my pooch was not acting like her vivacious self. At first it was the frequent trips to the "potty". Then it was the decreasing appetite and lack of thirst. Then it was not wanting to go for her walk and wanting me to carry her instead. The very last thing was urine of pure blood.... "Houston, I KNOW we have problem!"

We rushed her the vet on Friday at 4:45pm. The Vet took her in for an x-ray. All we heard was, "Oh my! Mr. and Mrs. Williams can you come here please." Around the corner on the computer screen was this picture.

I instantly thought my dog had swallowed two of my hubby's golf balls. But wait that's physically impossible for her, she's only six pounds and a golf ball can barely fit in her mouth. So what are these "things" inside my dog? My poor Mya had two stones in her bladder. Do you see how big they are in comparison to her hip? 

So what happened next was really a blur. All I remember are the phrases such as, "Life-threatening, " "Kidney failure," and "Take a peek at the bladder to see if we can save her." What? Really? Well? Umm... OK. 

Mya was rushed into surgery right at about 5:30 PM.  Here they are hard at work at about 7 PM. Can you see Mya??? I promise she is somewhere on that table.

Finally around 9:00 PM she came out of surgery to recovery. Her bladder was very distended from the stones. I do have pictures of the stones but I will spare you. They were 2 inches long and about 1 inch in circumference. The Vet said they were the biggest she had ever taken out of such a small dog. 

While in recovery we found out that Mya was not out the woods because her kidneys levels were a little high and in danger of going into kidney failure. Add to that, she has just gone through a difficult surgery with no prep. Here we are right after surgery saying good night.

It was a long night with very little sleep. The next day we went to visit her and things really were no better. Her kidney levels had gone up a few points and she was not eating nor drinking.

But my little munchkin is a trooper. We brought her home early Sunday morning and was very lethargic most of the day. We did get her to eat a few pieces of wet food which was a great sign. 

Then.... on Monday morning we took her for a recheck at the Vet and her kidney levels were down 10 points to within normal range!!!!!!!!! Oh yea! Also, she ate her breakfast and drank some water. Houston, I think we are in the clear and Mya is making a come back!" 

As a result we have given her a new nickname, "Stony Battle-scar Williams." Stony for obvious reasons and Battle-scar because she has a three inch incision, currently with 8 staples waiting to be removed at a later date.  

I think we are going to be ok and I can get back to the projects that I have planned.

Till Next Time.

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