Vintage Stool Upcycle

A few days ago I left you with a teaser and showed a glimpse of the fabric I had just received in the mail and then showed this photo.

Well, this a vintage stool I found in the bunkhouse on our property. I've always always wanted one. I certainly didn't think it would look like this though. I'm sure it was a looker in its heyday. But as the saying goes... all good this things come to an end.

But I was not deterred. I could see the immense potential just waited to be unearth. Lots of elbow grease went in to this stool. Let's get a closeup of the legs.
Did you know steel wool is a miracle worker because I didn't find out until Saturday. And I contemplated spray painting them! For what??? (And this was what happened after a few rubs.)

So without further ado... I present to you Shirley the Vintage Stool. I reupholstered her in a laminated fabric, since she is in the kitchen... gotta be able to wipe her down. I also removed the black rubber pads in the steps, they were gross!

Never mind the brown board in the background. We are getting new flooring in a few weeks so I'm testing the color.

One more time... the before.

And the after!

You'll get a full tour of the our small kitchen once the flooring goes in.

Thanks for visiting... till next time.

I'm linking this to:
Meta Monday - BNOTP
Amaze Me Monday - Dittle Dattle
Just Something I Whipped Up - The Girl Creative
Creative Bloggers Party - Homemaker On A Dime
Newbie Party - Debbiedoo's Blogging and Blabbing
Twice Owned Tuesday - House of Grace
Power of Paint - Domestically Speaking
Wow Us Wednesday - Savvy Southern Style
White Wednesday - Faded Charm
Furniture Feature Friday - Miss Mustard Seed
Show and Tell Friday - My Romantic Home

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