I don't know if I can express in words the magnitude of excitement that I have over my weekend finds. I have been on the lookout for a vintage fan that reasonable. I did see one last week in a consignment shop for $200. I looked online and I saw they ranged from $45 - $350 plus shipping. All of those were sooooo out of my price range.
This fan is on eBay for $119.99.
But then on Friday I paid a visit to one of my favorite antique stores and there sitting in the corner on the floor was a gorgeous vintage electric fan. I approached cautiously, expecting to be disappointed by the price tag, to investigate further. I saw the heavens open up and heard angels rejoicing as I turned over the tag and saw $29!!!! What?! SOLD!!! But then because I'm cheap I talked myself out of it and Mr. Uncluttered had to talk me back into it. (I do love that man!) But wait there is more... as I was checking out the owner said that I could have it for $25 if I paid cash. You better believe I went to the bank and got cash!
Does it look familiar? It's the exact same fan as the one listed on eBay, but I saved $94.99.
One more find for the weekend that was a good find for $4. Its Ridgway Staffordshire Windsor gravy boat.
Thanks for visiting... till next time.
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