Welcome back for another week of uncluttering madness!
Can I let you in on a secret? You promise not to tell anyone else? Just between us girls? Ok, here it goes... I hate to file. I mean I loathe it. I'd rather reconcile a bank account that hasn't been reconciled since 2008... actually I recently did that for a client so I'm speaking from experience. And yes, I hate it that much.
But I have a question for you. Tell me how someone who hates clutter lets paper pile-up? Oh, let me answer that! She hides it that's how! It's true, I hid a pile of paid bills in my filing box because the thought of filing was too much for me.
Oh the shame! I'm hanging my head very low right now. I can barely look you in the... uh, screen.
Now that I've confessed I must correct the wrong, right.
Last year I started a Home Management Binder and one of the sections was financial, there I kept our check register, budget and bills due. It was working, but I really needed something more comprehensive. I migrated the entire section to its own binder and added a bit more to it.
First I have a monthly calendar, I write the bill name on each due date.
Next is the budget sheet. Kinda self-explanatory.
Then its on to the Finance Checklist. As a bill is paid each month I put a check mark in the column. (Notice the direction of the check mark. People tell me all the time I write them backwards, but I say, they're not backwards to a left-handed person. Duh!) This sheet is from
Iheart Organizing.
This sheet is followed by a pocket for the bills waiting to be paid. I have to be honest, most of our bills are electronic now... the whole I hate filing thing is a great motivator to be "green".
Then I have a pocket for receipts that I save. Some are for write-offs at tax time, others are for potential returns.
Next up are the "filling" tabs. Each bill has it's own section and its really easy for me to 3-hole punch and then put it in its section.
That wraps up this binder and I think I may have just solved my filing issues... I'll let you know how it goes.
I'll be handling the whole paper clutter issue for a few weeks as I'm revamping a few of our non-functioning systems at home. Of course I'll be sharing with you along the way!
Last week I never got the party officially going but we've rectified the problem for this week so... let's get ready to PARRR-TAAAAAY!

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