The Little Flowers That Could

Happy Monday to you! I hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Some friends of ours have a huge lilac bush in their backyard, you might as well call it a tree, and every year they give me a bouquet of lilacs. Well, this was the weekend for me to pick up my bouquet. Oh, they smell so yummy! 

Unfortunately after the pickup, we were delayed in getting them home and into some water. Actually, they sat in the car for a couple of hours while we were visiting with some other friends. When we got back into the car my loving husband looks at me and said, "Babe, it looks like your flowers are on Skid Row." My reply, "Gee, thanks Babe..." 

What a travesty!

As you can tell I didn't even make it in the house before I stopped in the laundry/mudroom to show you the Skid Row lilacs.

Through my sobbing, I could hear these lilacs crying out to me, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." There was still some umph yet to be revived, so I gave them a fighting chance by...
 - Filling a vase with hot tap water
 - Cutting 1/2 inch off the bottom of each stem at angle under running water
 - Placing all the stems in the hot water
 - Sticking the vase full of flowers in a closet for 2 hours

When I took them out of the closet, I put them in fresh cold water and...

I promise, this is the same bouquet.

These are truly the little flowers that could!

Till next time!


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