Missing In Action... But More Posts Ahead

Hello! It's been a few weeks again since we've talked. It seems as though life has been getting in the way of blogging. But today I do have some exciting news to share with you. 

First and foremost, remember my nephew, Jayven. Before he was born the doctors discovered he had a disorder called Trisomy 4p. I mentioned on the blog that they didn't expect him to live long past birth, if he made it past delivery at all. During delivery there was one doctor per organ in the delivery room, what a scene that was! Then he was born with a plethora of complications, one which required a tracheotomy. Once again the doctors said that he would not survive the surgery. Well, delivery has come and gone, the tracheotomy has come and gone and Jayven is still proving to be a little fighter... (let me tell ya, it runs in the family)! Jayven is now 5 weeks old and the doctors are amazed! 

Last weekend I spent four days in his neck of the woods and was able to hold him for the first time. He's so tiny (6.2 lbs) he was full term, but everything about him is as if he were premature. During my visits I discovered I have quite the knack for putting him to sleep. (Here I'm sending him subliminal messages that I'm his favorite great aunt. I had to emphasis "great" because his aunt (mommy's sister) was sitting within sticking distance. LOL) Also, the blue tube is to keep the trachea area moist. Oh and yes he has me wrap around his tiny finger.

Now on to other exciting new... Its looking like we are going to be moving! To a whole new city too! More details and preparing to move posts ahead!


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