LOTD || Video #1

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

How are you enjoying these LOTD's so far? I'm rather enjoying writing them :)

Since Saturday is a kick back and relax kind of a day, I thought it might be fun to have a video. The challenge is to find one video (I'll probably always pick from YouTube but you don't have to) that you like and share it. It can be about anything you like at all, we are free as birds. 

Saturday will always be : Video.

I chose this video as it is one that I have watched about 5 times and adore. It makes me realise that there is so much joy, hope, happiness in the world, but sometimes it is clouded by all the sad things we see in the news and read about in papers. I hope this couple live harmoniously together for years and years and sit in hover-rocking chairs (it's the future, anything can happen) and tell their grandchildren about this proposal adventure. 

If you would like to join in, simply copy and paste the image above (please link this blog with it), find your favourite video and share it with the world. Feel free to let us know in the comments if you have done this and we can all mooch about together!

Did this video make you smile? Have you had a similar romantic experience?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Dashing Divas. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!

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