Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Following on from yesterday's somewhat sombre blog post, I thought it would be nice to put a little pep back in our step and CELEBRATE!
Today, my dear friend El (aka AThriftyMrs) is having a very special birthday- a brand new number! I won't say which one because a lady never tells, but it's a good'un none the less.
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Thrifty is a good egg. She has battled through more than most and still has the time of day for my piffling phone calls and ridiculous heytell messages. She has the driest sense of humour I've ever come across, an open mind to explore so many fun things in life and a good kind heart. I love her a lotta bit.
I know the term 'internet friend' has a seedy sigma attached, but I am glad every day that I found this amazing lady through the internet and that she allowed me into her life.
So my thrifty little chum, I hope today is brilliant. I hope this year of your life brings you all the good things your strive for, that Mr Thrifty spoils you rotten and that you have a windfall of utility china in your local charity shop for a mere seven pence!
If you would like to find out more about my internet friend, or even better, wish her Happy Birthday yourselves, you can find her places (ooer) below (ooer again).
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