Aloha Sprinklerinos,
It's been a little over 10 days but I feel like I have been absent for eons. It feels really weird to not be blogging regularly because whilst to you it is just a bit of text and an image on a screen, to me it is a constant thought process, always being aware of possible photo opportunities, thinking how my life can tie into something I might like to share or document and then all the techy stuff like editing and uploading. Blogging is a big deal.
(A little bit of recent baby love. Look at that little hand sneaking round. I love being her Mama)
(A little bit of recent baby love. Look at that little hand sneaking round. I love being her Mama)
I haven't been away for any terrific reasons, other than I have been focusing my energies in other directions. I thought I would hop on today, whilst the house is quiet and my brain is ticking over and update you on all the things happening around here. Therapeutic for me, informative for you. Win win. Shakes booty* with excitement.
Where do I start? Let's go in catagories.
This month I committed to doing Vlogmas. Vlogmas is where you upload a video (vlog) every day of Christmas, which in Vlogmas terms is the entirety of December. So far I have averaged about 1 every 3 days and I'm pretty cool with that. I just wanted to capture sweet little moments of my favourite month and I think I have done that. Videos are going up on my second channel, Sprinkle of Chatter.
I am still uploading regular weekly videos on my main channel, Sprinkle of Glitter, and am pleased to notice that I am nearly at 1 Million subscribers over there. If and when that milestone is reached, I will do a dedicated post on what it means to me. Spoiler - It will mean A LOT. If you'd like to help push me there, feel free to SUBSCRIBE. *blushes at cheeky little plug*
Social Media In General
Well, I've been a bit meeehhh with it. For the most part I love being tuned in to twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, bloglovin etc, but for a few days I have enjoyed stepping back and experiencing the moment. I have watched Darcy do things with my actual eyes, rather than the view finder of a camera and I have just eaten meals, rather than snap pictures for an insta. It's kind of nice just to be in life rather than constantly documenting it. That's not to say I won't tune in again, but like waves on sand, my interest in social media ebbs and flows.
Also, at this most festive time of year, a lot of our activities centralise round friends and family who are not as keen to be on the internet as we are.
As always, Darcy is being the delight and dream of the month. I uploaded THIS video of her being a Lookbook wizz and am glad to see such positive feedback.
She is learning to grasp the concept of Christmas and is loving all the paraphernalia that runs with it. We bought her a little nativity set as we are Christians and want her to value the birth of Jesus, but she keeps making jet ski barbie ride the lamb, so it's an unusual setup.
Matt and I haven't spent a lot of time together recently but have made plans for all kinds of things over the next fortnight. It's funny how you can live in the same house as someone and not really speak too much. It's true when they say you have to work at a relationship. I can't wait for all our Christmas plans and to keep up with our family traditions. I've mentioned them before but with any luck I will do a separate post on them again this year. Yay.
Still blonde, still a bit of a chub, still loving anything that sparkles. I'm adoring all the glitzy statement necklaces that are in vogue at the moment and relishing in the excuse to wear as much glitter as possible and label it 'festive'.
I'm drooling over pinterest and wishing I had the motivation to make my house look as amazing as the ones on there.
I picked up a couple of new dresses from the Molly range in Oasis yesterday and was pleased as punch that the size 16's fit. I'm usually an 18 and this means Oasis is a shop I don't find much in but that was a happy surprise. This past weekend excluded, I have been working on eating less junk food and fuelling myself with good things. In the new year I plan to go full steam ahead and learn much healthier eating habits. Not necessarily to loose weight, but to feel fitter, fresher and to go cray cray in more clothes shops haha.
Last week I bought a new camera so once I drag myself out of this fug then I'll be snapping away like there's no tomorrow and you'll be wishing we were on a blog break again!
And that about sums things up. Nothing drastic, nothing wild, just my little glitter life. Ooooeeeee I do love a good catch up post! I have a few exciting things planned for 2014 so I'm looking forward to sharing those with you, but in the meantime, keep an eye on my twitter and youtube channels to keep up with everything going on and thank you from the bottom of my little pink heart for being such wonderful Sprinklerinos.
Tell me in the comments what you have been up to this last few weeks or what you have planned between now and Christmas Day!!
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*If you follow Tyler Oakley on Twitter, that will make absolute sense to you.
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