Playlist 2014 - The Vlogs

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you follow me on any of my social media (twitterfacebookinstagram etc), you will know that last week I popped off to Orlando for 7 days to attend Playlist Live. I thought I would share with you the 5 videos uploaded from the week because yanno, it's a big deal. I left the country and everything!

What made this trip so perfect for me was the people I spent it with. 

- Zoe -

I have read a lot of rubbish lately about Zoe and I not being friends but there is no such drama. With Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter both doing so well, we both have mad diaries and find it hard to get to each other regularly. We talk every day either by phone, skype, text or facebook, but like all normal friends, we don't throw it all over twitter every time we do! Haha. This week we were able to see each other all the time and have some lovely little moments together. Edit - Since I wrote this last week, we have had a lovely weekend in Brighton together too. Post coming soon. 

Highlights - Going craycray when we realised the plane tv had Broadchurch on it, singing Frozen songs, being rescued in the hair and makeup department after a big night out and going to IHOP on the first day. 

- Maddie -

Maddie works for Gleam (my management company) and is my go-to lady. I love her. She is SUCH a warm soul and goes far beyond what her job asks of her (*thinks back to Maddie applying foundation to my shins on a shoot once*). This week Maddie was my rock when I had a silly little cry over nothing (what a surprise) and looked after me when I was being a scatterbrain. I would DEFO have had a meltdown without her around. 

Highlights -  Our little trip to the spa for a hair appointment, chatting rubbish in the pool late at night and all round being completely mummied. Also- thank you for making me eat even when adrenaline tricked me into thinking I didn't need to. 

- Alfie -

Alfie is my go to for anything and everything. Got a problem? Alfie will fix it. Confused or lost? Alfie knows the way. Think you're going to throw up in a taxi? Alfie will film it. Oh wait. Heh heh.
Having Alfie on these trips makes me feel so secure about things. I knooooow this sounds really ridiculous and totally gender biased but I always turn to male friends for comfort and protection (not against beasts and dragons, just yanno, when you're having a wibble) and girls for camaraderie. I also love how much he adores my Zoe and feel relaxed knowing she is happy and well.

Highlights - Being rescued off a half deflated bouncy castle, showing off my excellent squid impressions in the pool and a little jaunt to The Cheesecake Factory. 

- Dan and Phil -

Be still my beating heart these boys make me feel happy. You know you've got good guy friends when they make sure you get safely to your hotel room at 5am after (shhhhh) one or two cocktails and don't mock you the next day. Having them down the hall to cry laugh with on a daily basis was the best and I'm contemplating buying them the house next door so we can do this more often. 

Highlights - Everything from the night I wore the floaty white dress, learning how far back Dan's chair went when there were 2 of us on it (that sounds more kinky than it was btw) and the part of the snowman dance I couldn't film. Oooooh mysterious. ;)

- Jack -

Wow. According to the comments, you like mine and Jack's friendship a LOT. We've been pretty close for a few months now but it's never been vlogged so it seems like it might be a bit of a surprise to all of you? Having Jack around was a hoot. There are so many similarities between us that playtime is hilarious and banter is easy. I think Jack brings out a different side to my humour than usual and it was fun to show you that in the vlogs. He's a good'un.

Highlights - Bedroom games (watch the videos, don't think minxy thoughts please), a perfect roller coaster and ganging up on him with Zoe (you have no idea how much 'banter' I've had to withstand from his friends over the last six months - I once cried!!!). 

There were many, many more people that made my trip so special, not to mention all the oh-so-lovely viewers I had the pleasure and honour of chatting too. There were so many times that week that I took a moment to stand back and think, 'my life is so freaking cool' and I have you all to thank for it. 

I promise to always thank you for everything, to never get too big for my boots and to always share the highlights (and low lights) on here. 

Warm smooshy cuddles and hair strokes for everyone.



Contributor - Louise

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