Seattle | Space Needle

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

At last, the last. The last batch of Seattle photos and then I have officially shared, tweeted, blogged, vlogged, pinned and tumbl'd everything Northwestable that I had. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, it was an amazing trip. To say that means something. I am fortunate enough to take a lot of trips and experience a lot of unique things but this topped them all. Seeing a new place, being loved on by new people all whilst being surrounded by the love of family was perfect. I'm already planning the next trip.

On our last night we booked tickets to go up the Space Needle and then had some easybreezykiddie time back at Marie's house. Those matching PJ's just kill me. 

The best photograph of the week. There are so many things about this snap I don't like (my coat lapel flapping inwards, my open bag, Darcy covering her smile etc) that it kinda makes me love it all the more. It was a very real moment. So often I find myself posing so hard on concentrating on making something 'perfect' and then I suck the spirit outta the thing. This has all the spirit. It was just a joyful moment with two big friends and two little friends and two Husband's behind cameras (and one tiny boy in a carrier too!). The whole clan celebrating togetherness! 

Yeahhhhh buddy, I put a filter on this to disguise my very minimal makeup efforts!

American Daddy of the Year goes to Ryan! That week he worked at both of his jobs (sometimes during the night) and still had time and a happy heart to come on trips and do fun stuff with us, as well as wrangling two tinies. Good job Dad!

Fonts get me. I like fonts, typography and design a LOT. 

Oh and lights. I like them too. 

You simply cannot force a 3 year old to smile. 

Matt and I have a little tradition where every big city we go to we try and find somewhere super high. We just like high up views a LOT. So in London we went up the Shard, in New York we did the Empire State Building and in Seattle the Space Needle. Where next??

Windswept women!

Doting Daddies! Also, this was literally the best of the bunch. I took over 15 photos of this and not a single one had both girls smiling/looking/co-operating. The winner was a grimace and a shut-eye. 

 Back at home we had matching PJ sets and playtime. Once more, Marie and I learnt that 3 year olds are 3 year olds and not professional photo posers. 

They gots a lotta love though!!

And there we have it! Our week in photos!

Which was your favourite? If you would like to watch the videos of our trip, click HERE



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