The Project That Will NEVER END!
When I typed the title of this post I thought of the Lamb Chop song entitled "The Song That Never Ends." (Its a rather annoying song, be happy if you've never heard it.) Well instead of singing, I started painting and antiquing and I promise you it felt like it was never gonna end. Of course it did end, this morning to be exact. But....
I couldn't be more frustrated right now?! This project keeps dragging on and on... and on for one reason or another. I should have had my new knobs and handles today, but that is not the case. Ugh! I must wait until tomorrow. So I certainly can not show an incomplete project, that would not be a true reveal, but I can show a sneak peek.
Notice the missing knob, kinda naked without it.
This roll-top was my nemesis, but I think I won that battle.
Till next time my friends.
I've Been Featured
Just when I was beating myself up for not meeting my Wow Us Wednesday deadline of finishing the roll-top desk, I received an encouraging comment from Danita at Delightfully Order.
Certainly a pick me up as I was sulking over the incomplete desk sitting in my workspace. But on the upside the drawers are complete, its just the body that needs to be completed.
Till next time... hopefully that's tomorrow :)
"I just wanted to let you know I featured this today! I LOVE it! Come over and grab a button for your blog. DaNita"I linked up my simple vanity bench makeover to her Delightfully Inspiring Thursday Party.
Certainly a pick me up as I was sulking over the incomplete desk sitting in my workspace. But on the upside the drawers are complete, its just the body that needs to be completed.
Till next time... hopefully that's tomorrow :)
Sunny Days Are Here Again!
Whoo Hoo for sunshine. I woke up this morning and this is what I saw, blue skies!!! After what feels like a month of constant rain, its about time!
Its supposed to be clear all week, so I will be attacking this:
But first I need to finish my roll-top desk. Not looking forward to the accordion door at all! But I gotta do what I gotta do!
As you can tell I've already started since the drawers are missing. Stay tuned, I hope to have it finished in time for Wow Us Wednesday.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Bunkhouse Vanity Bench
Here is a simple redo of bench recovered from "the bunkhouse". Cute little vanity bench with a great set of legs on her! But she looked like she'd had way too much fun in the sun.
So it was time to breakout the spray paint and go to work. First, some rust preventing primer.
I've had this curtain panel hanging around that I can't find the mate for (Probably got lost in all the moves because for the life of me I can't imagine leaving one panel up at the window and moving out. But crazier things have happened.) so now it will be a seat cover.
Thanks for visiting. She and a quite a few other items from "the bunkhouse" will be up on Etsy soon.
Linking this to:
Then, Oil Rubbed Bronze by Krylon and a clear satin top coat.
Here she is all ready for bath time.

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!!!
It's been pretty quiet over here in Uncluttered land. Projects have just about come to a complete stand still and it's driving me crazy. Mr. Uncluttered will tell you I hate to sit still. I get bored real easy and I'm bored right about now.
Remember the tour I gave you of our 50 acres and a mule? OK, no mule but there was a bunkhouse at the end bursting with great vintage and antique furniture. Well, in order to start decluttering and accessing the goods I need to move everything out into the yard. But there has been one problem that I've run into everyday since two Saturdays ago... R-A-I-N! It has literally rained every stinking day since March 12th. And did I mention it's now March 23rd?!? And I'm not talking about sprinkles, oh no, I'm talking open the flood gates... someone one build me an ark kinda rain! Hence the stand still, since I can't really move precious antiques out to get rain on.
Can you believe someone was just going to throw this one away? Uh No, don't think so. Just you like the lines on this?
Here's another. Still pondering idea's for this one.
I think this stool is darling just the way it is. Definitely handmade but the chipping periwinkle paint is adorable. I could totally see a child using this to brush their teeth at night. Precious.
I have an idea rolling around in the ol' noggin that involves a flat screen tv... we'll see if it works.
Today we had a brief break in the rain, long enough for me to do this... Oil Rubbed Bronze baby! She should be done tomorrow... but then again there is more rain coming.
Even Mya wants the rain to go away. She misses her walks because she doesn't like mud on her pretty white coat.
Till next time... hopefully that's sooner rather than later.
But, the morning before it started to rain I went in to see if there was anything that could be pulled out to work on in the house... Not too much, most of it is quite large, but I did get two benches a stool, and some wood shutters. Take a peek.
Even Mya wants the rain to go away. She misses her walks because she doesn't like mud on her pretty white coat.
Till next time... hopefully that's sooner rather than later.
Gallery Wall
I've been so preoccupied with the bunkhouse that I really haven't had time to start or complete any of the projects on my to-do list. So today I'm taking a break to work on another wall in my office. I shared one wall in the sneak peak of my office here. Today it's this wall. Nothing special to it. But I have lots of photos that I want to display and this wall is a perfect spot, since I will see it when I sit at my computer.
Instead of making tons of holes in the wall (like I usually do), I made a plan ahead of time. Some people cut paper the size of the picture and do a layout on the wall, but I just measured the wall space and worked on the floor.
As I was taking pictures I realized that photos are a good way of seeing what is not working in the arrangement. Can you see what is different?
Once I got things squared away on the floor, it was time to move them to the wall. Things changed in the journey from the floor to wall. I realized after the fact that a few of the frames didn't have a hook to hang them from. (FYI: If your going to do a gallery wall check the frames to ensure they "wall ready" or have a well stocked picture hanging kit at the ready. Unlike yours truly.) I'm sure they will be added to the wall at a later date.
Still needs some tweaking... this the view while sitting at my computer. From this angle you can see why I hung the picture so low on the right side, it balances everything out. Nice scenery. Plus, there's space to add to the bottom on the left if I choose.
That's my honey's baby picture. Isn't he a doll!!!
This a painting of San Francisco, CA Bay from the 1930's, unfortunately its unsigned. I kinda like it without a frame, even though I do have an antique one for it. I like the dark moody colors used.
This painting I picked up at a garage sale for 10 cents. Yup... 10 cents. I think I may add some words to the top, like "Bless this Nest... or The Love Nest... or ???... something.
This is where I keep all my printer paper. I need to make some labels but I know what's in there. I got them from Staples for 75% off... there are a lot from this set all around my office.
The one and only rose in the garden. Yes I cut it... I want to enjoy it in the house, there will be plenty soon enough in garden.
It smells devine.
You may caught a glimpse of the top of this in the lower right corner of before photo. It's still in the same spot in the after, just didn't get a shot of it. Its a vintage (either 1920's or 1930's) copper-lined humidor/smoking stand. Given to me by a dear friend, it once belonged to her grandfather. As you can see it's not in pristine condition. Its missing a piece of wood in the front and its a little off kilter, but I think it's gorgeous.
Perfect patina. Can't recreate the real thing.
Once again... before.
And... after.
Thanks for visiting... Till next time.
I'm linking this to:

I'm linking this to:
Ranch Tour and Bunkhouse
I have mentioned in previous posts that Mr. Uncluttered and I rent a 1920s bungalow on 50 acres. In case you were wondering, we don't farm the 50 acres, we just simply enjoy the peace and quiet associated with living in a rural area. Even though right now we are not enjoying the gas prices we pay after driving into the city to shopping. But that's not what this post is about.
Shortly after we moved in I went searching for some type of date stating when the house was built. I found it on the foundation for the original tank house, which would have been built first for the water supply. Can you see, it says 1921. The house was built a few years after that.
Well, a lot of the original structures are still standing on the property and I wanted to share with you some of the rustic charm that we enjoy everyday. Here is the tank house, it sits directly behind our house and says, "hello!" every morning.
To me, when I look at the way certain objects are stationed they are begging for a close-up. Like this wheelbarrow, do you think it was intentionally left in that position? I promise you I did not put it there, but I will take the picture. Sometimes the simplest things grab my attention... go figure.
Behind our garage there is... umm... "retired" farm equipment. But if you look really close it can become art.
The biggest chain I have ever seen. What could this have possibly gone to?!
These next few photos are the true inspiration for this post. I received an email from the owner of the 50 acres we live on about one particular rustic structure on the property, the bunkhouse. It just so happens to be connected to our garage.
The owner asked for my assistance in helping to clear out some of the clutter. How much could there be? So I decided to take a sneak peek. Can I see in the windows?
Let's try the other window.
Ok, that's really not much help... let's just open the door.
Hmmm... I guess they do have a little bit of clutter to clear out. Stay tuned. There will be lots of vintage furniture and antiques coming out of this 1920's bunkhouse. Should be fun. Till next time.
These are the biggest wheels I have ever seen!
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