Our Bathroom Needs Some Love

One of the first major projects of the year will be stripping and repainting a built-in, in the one and only tiny bathroom in the house. Yes, there is only one, and once you take a look at the tight quarters you will see why it needs to be as inviting as possible. Right now it's just functional, no pretty anywhere to be seen.  (Very tiny, right! On the opposite side is a shower over tub combo. Sorry, didn't get a picture of the whole thing.) 

So why am I refinishing the built-in? You take a closer look and then ask me that again.
There are at least six different colors under there. How do I know? Ummm... because I can see them! That's how many chips there are. And can you tell me exactly who paints over  hinges and antique at that??? Yeah, I don't know either. The saving grace... see below.

Original glass knob and mirror! Oh yeah! Nah, really I'm trying to make myself feel better. It will be amazing though when its all done, you just wait and see.

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