Gallery Wall

I've been so preoccupied with the bunkhouse that I really haven't had time to start or complete any of the projects on my to-do list. So today I'm taking a break to work on another wall in my office. I shared one wall in the sneak peak of my office here. Today it's this wall. Nothing special to it. But I have lots of photos that I want to display and this wall is a perfect spot, since I will see it when I sit at my computer.

Instead of making tons of holes in the wall (like I usually do), I made a plan ahead of time. Some people cut paper the size of the picture and do a layout on the wall, but I just measured the wall space and worked on the floor.

As I was taking pictures I realized that photos are a good way of seeing what is not working  in the arrangement. Can you see what is different?

Once I got things squared away on the floor, it was time to move them to the wall. Things changed in the journey from the floor to wall. I realized after the fact that a few of the frames didn't have a hook to hang them from. (FYI: If your going to do a gallery wall check the frames to ensure they "wall ready" or have a well stocked picture hanging kit at the ready. Unlike yours truly.) I'm sure they will be added to the wall at a later date.

Still needs some tweaking... this the view while sitting at my computer. From this angle you can see why I hung the picture so low on the right side, it balances everything out. Nice scenery. Plus, there's space to add to the bottom on the left if I choose.

That's my honey's baby picture. Isn't he a doll!!!

This a painting of San Francisco, CA Bay from the 1930's, unfortunately its unsigned. I kinda like it without a frame, even though I do have an antique one for it. I like the dark moody colors used.

This painting I picked up at a garage sale for 10 cents. Yup... 10 cents. I think I may add some words to the top, like "Bless this Nest... or The Love Nest... or ???... something.

This is where I keep all my printer paper. I need to make some labels but I know what's in there. I got them from Staples for 75% off... there are a lot from this set all around my office.

The one and only rose in the garden. Yes I cut it... I want to enjoy it in the house, there will be plenty soon enough in garden.

It smells devine.

You may caught a glimpse of the top of this in the lower right corner of before photo. It's still in the same spot in the after, just didn't get a shot of it. Its a vintage (either 1920's or 1930's) copper-lined humidor/smoking stand. Given to me by a dear friend, it once belonged to her grandfather. As you can see it's not in pristine condition. Its missing a piece of wood in the front and its a little off kilter, but I think it's gorgeous.

Perfect patina. Can't recreate the real thing.

Once again... before.

And... after.

Thanks for visiting... Till next time.

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