I'm uber excited! Ya wanna know why? Of course you do. Mr. Uncluttered and I recently learned that our dear friends are coming to spend the weekend with us for their 17th wedding anniversary. We also have another sweet couple coming to share in the festivities for the weekend. I see lots of relaxing, snacking and laughs going on that weekend.
Both of the couples live in the city and consider staying at our place like staying at a Bed and Breakfast. It might have something to do with the 50 acres surrounding us. But hmm when I think about it... I've always wanted to own a B&B. I just didn't realize I had already accomplished that dream.
This is what I always pictured my B&B would look like...

Yeah, not quite what I'm working with, but I do have Irises and huge tree though... :) The rest of it, well its all one big work in progress. (BTW, the picture is of the Rosemary House B&B in North Carolina.)
So, I have one month to get the house ready to serve as a B&B to our first special guests. Better get my booty in gear and finish all the projects we have around this place.
Let's review, shall we...
1. Strip and repaint built-in cabinet
2. Organize drawers in built-in
3. Recaulk toilet and tub
4. Sew new shower curtain
5. Replace wall cabinet w/shelving
6. Accessorize with new towels and rug
1. Install new flooring
2. Install new countertop
Dining Room
1. Make slipcovers for chair (I got 4 Parsons chairs for $30, not each, total at a garage sale!)
Living Room
1. Paint
Guest Room
1. Paint
2. Organize closet (make room for guest clothes)
3. Purchase mattress
4. Decorate room
1. Install shelving
2. Make curtains
3. Make skirt of laundry tub
4. Repaint and seal wood floors
Whew! That's all I could think of for now... I'm positive there is much more. Why, am I still typing I need to get to work. I'll keep you posted on my progress. I'm sure most if not all of my future posts will be related to something on this list.
And since I'll be busy working around the house, do you have any suggestions on a menu?
Well, gotta get to work now... till next time.