One Hot Weekend And A Project

For the past week or so I've been reading tons of post talking about the summer being officially over and a lot of you out there are enjoying cooler weather. Must be nice to be wherever you are because here in CA its been nothing but hot, hot, hot. Over the extended weekend we had temperatures reaching 99 degrees or so everyday. Certainly no sign of fall anywhere on the horizon for those in my neck of the woods.

Given the hot temperatures, we sat around, played games and enjoyed shade under the huge maple tree in front yard. There was golf...

There was dominoes. Isn't it cute to see my niece getting a lesson from her dad, brother, and uncle (Mr. Uncluttered on the right.) while snacking on a sandwich of course. Oh and just to give you a hint of how big the maple tree is. The golf net was in the front yard under the tree, the domino table was in the side yard still benefiting from the same shade!

Now on to the project. Its by far not a fall decorating project. I can't even begin to think about decorating for fall when I'm running the AC all day long. (OK, no more complaining)

I couldn't let the weekend go by without finding time for a quick project. Nothing major, just something I'd been rolling around in the ole noggin. Remember this Del Monte crate I was given back in July. I've been wanting to use it in the house but it was just too... gray and weather beaten for me.

So I sanded her down and gave her wash in a creamy white paint I cut by half with water. Then another quick sanding. Now she's in the house on top of the frig.

Now I have a question for you. Any suggestion for what to display in her? I'm drawing a big, fat blank possibly due to all to heat... could it be heat exhaustion from the weekend. (I know, I know I'm complaining again.) I tried a crock with the plant, but I'm not really feeling it. Maybe its the plant.

Anywho, suggestions please.

Thanks for visiting... till next time.

I'm linking this to:
Twice Owned Tuesday - House of Grace
One Project At A Time - Bowl Full of Lemons

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