It so comforting when I read on other blogs that I am not alone in my decorating ADD. I say that because right now I have so many project going on around the house I feel like I'm spinning in circles. Which is funny because I'm loving every minute of it.
One project I'm working on is the mudroom/laundry room. This is what it looked like on the day we moved in... rough! The silver door is our back door and the white door is the door leading into the kitchen.
Since moving in we haven't given much attention to this room, other than painting every surface white. By every surface I mean E-V-E-R-Y surface, even the floor. For the record, it takes special people to live with white floors... and we're not that special nor high maintenance.
But today I got itch to paint. And I painted the door leading into the kitchen. It's not quite dry so I can't close it to get a full picture, but here's a sneak peek at the color.
I'm loving the vibrant color!
Thanks for visiting... till next time.
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