Amazing Advertisers

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

At last! Today I am sharing the lovely ladies who advertised with me in September. I love this feature because it allows you to get to know the folk nestling in the side bar and enhances the cosy community vibe we have going on over here. 


As I mentioned in THIS post, life is getting busier and busier and I'm struggling to fit everything in. I have decided that with the exception of the 2 ladies who prepaid way back weeks ago, there will be a new system.

The new system is like a shop. You can buy advertising place SO much more securely (much better than us throwing money details back and forth in emails), so much more quickly (again, back and forthy emails) and this makes me really happy. You will note that prices are stated in US dollars and this is because the company (tres popular amongst bloggers) that does it all are American and they have the different moneys. Please do make use of the free google converters because dollars looks a lot more than pounds! In some cases, I have actually lowered prices a tad because big dollar figures looked too frightening haha. 

Amazing Advertiser posts will now be fortnightly to ensure everyone is included (because you can buy any time with the new system and it will automatically remove your ad after 30 days). 

I have also LIMITED the spaces in each package. I may open a few more up as time goes on, and I know that demand is a lot higher than supply, but just whilst I am reorganising my life, I feel better able to handle less rather than more. This means that if you would like a slot, please book asap to avoid refusal. Sorry.

If you would like to book yourself a slot, click HERE or check out my Sponsor Tab up top. 

So, goodbye old system, hello new shiny system and to way the old era toodleloo, here are September's beautiful bloggers!

Yep, it's love. I just sat and read this blog for about 15 minutes mentally adding things to my Boots shopping list. As an avid beauty consumer and blog reader, it takes a lot to make me want something but with her mix of great descriptions, product/swatch/end result photographs, this blog is an absolute winner. Why it only has 135 followers I do not know. Can we get this into the 1000's please Sprinklerinos?

Megs, please stop being so fabulous, I feel like a total slacker!! If you love blogs for the photography, you're going to absolutely adore Wonderful You. With a healthy mixture of beauty, fashion and videos, this blog will keep you entertained and informed all week long. Like it's title, it really is wonderful.

Shelly's blog is BEAUTIFUL. I was so impressed by her post about favourite coral polishes because I really have never seen a beauty blogger photograph their products in sandy waves. Really, for me, that was above and beyond and made me click on that post instantly. I love the professional tone to this blog, it really does close the bridge between blog and magazine. I heartily recommend it to anyone who loves beauty and glossiness.

Brace yourselves. I'm about to get slushy. Thrifty (as I like to call her) is one of life's good'uns. We have been friends for mere months but it feels like a lifetime. Thrifty listens, cares, advices, laughs, solves and is a ray of sunshine in my day. Recently life has thrown a fair bit of crud at this lady, but she picks herself up, pops on some (bargainous) lipstick and carries on. In my eyes, Mrs Thrifty is a remarkable woman. On top of that, her blog's alright too. Haha.

Gaarrghhh!! You know those blogs that you just kind of loose yourself into? This is one of those. All of Rosie's posts are a mix of lifestyle, foodie, fun interwebs, humour and beauty, so a super eclectic variety. I really enjoy the writing style of this blog. I find it relatable and inspirational and look forward to every new post.

Charlotte is a fellow Harry Potter fan, and this makes me love her just a little bit more. This slice of the net is a fabulous lifestyle blog packed with funny anecdotes, good news, sad news, topical affairs, things going on in the world, purdy pets and you can clearly see that a whole heap of love goes into it. Charlotte is currently hosting a giveaway too, so if you like winning things, head on over!

If you like things that look girly and organised, then you'll like this blog. With everything from beauty reviews, videos and fantastic lifestyle ideas, this is a super blog to read. I have had the pleasure of meeting Jess at a conference (oh la la) and can confidently say she is a lovely, lovely lady. Also, she loves MAC eye shadows so she is definitely a good'un! Haha x

Laura has sparkly sleeves. Do I need to say more to entice you over? I don't think so but just in case- this is a blog of everything beauty, fashion and lifestyle. There is a varied mix of regular posts with great pictures and a lovely sense of warmth and humour. A warm fuzzy if you will. Also, did I mention, Laura has sparkly sleeves. Go look!

Whilst this beautiful blog is a beauty blog, it was Harriet's 'out of the ordinary' kind of post that really caught my eye this month. I found her opinions on topless women in newspapers so refreshing and fully back her in her support of the petition to take boobies out of The Sun (which I just won't get started on -JFT96YNWA-). I had never really thought of this kind of thing before and hearing it from a larger chested lady's point of view was really insightful. I strongly urge you to go and check out Harriet's blog, I know you'll love it. x

Becky's little slice of the net is what I would call a Classic Beauty Blog. It has the perfect mix of reviews, hauls, swatches, tags, giveaways and sales. This blog inspires me to write more beauty reviews and also makes me want to go shopping- what more could you want from a website talking about makeup? Not much I don't think.

So there are the lovely ladies of the left hand column. 

Have you found any new favourite blogs lurking there this month? What do you look for in a 'must read' site?



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