Mummy Dreams

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

The more I look at Baby Glitter, the more I can see that soon she won't be her name. She will soon grow out of babyhood and be firmly placed in a new chapter of her life, toddlerhood. She is developing a sense of self, recognising behaviour and growing into a beautiful little girl.

Whilst there'll be a heartfelt pang when she is no longer a 'baby', I'm feeling so excited for the future and what this brings for my relationship with her, and thought I would share some of my hopeful highlights.

Mummy - Daughter Dreams

Sharing a slice of cake together at the lovely garden centre near our house and chatting.

Her being really pleased with how I did her hair that day.

Allowing her to paint my nails in a rainbow of colours.

Getting dressed up together for family parties.

Blowing up balloons for her birthday.

Seeing her face on Christmas mornings.

Taking her to meet Santa.

Explaining about the magic of the Tooth Fairy.

Reading books under thick blankets as the rain pounds on the window.

Lighting candles and torches in power cuts and telling stories.

Building dens with pegs and sheets.

Making crafty art for when Daddy comes home.

Decorating cakes with sweets and icing.

Delivering holiday treats to neighbours.

Singing our favourite songs in the car.

Writing letters in pink felt tips.

Drinking hot chocolate from matching mugs. 

What do you look forward to doing with your children?



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