Good day to you! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I finally gained some ground on this cold I've been battling for a week and a half... thank goodness! It was brutal. I had to break down and visit the doc, who prescribed some wonderful meds... gotta love modern medicine, right!
Anywho, while tending to my bad case of the coughs, I was also contemplating what type of planner I am going use for the year. I literally spent hours on the various blogs looking for inspiration. Of you didn't let me down. Some of you out there are using Filofax, others are using DIY planners (in blogger fashion), and a few are using the new discbound system. The discbound system intrigued me the most, first, because I had never used it before, also it can be completed customized and still look stylish.
Anywho, while tending to my bad case of the coughs, I was also contemplating what type of planner I am going use for the year. I literally spent hours on the various blogs looking for inspiration. Of you didn't let me down. Some of you out there are using Filofax, others are using DIY planners (in blogger fashion), and a few are using the new discbound system. The discbound system intrigued me the most, first, because I had never used it before, also it can be completed customized and still look stylish.
Settling on a discbound system, it was time for a trip to my local Staples for a hands-on demonstration. Initially, I was going to purchase the Martha Stewart Discbound Notebook but low and behold that is not what I walked out the store with. Here's the back story... I'm standing in the Martha Stewart aisle, holding the Martha Stewart Discbound Notebook in blue, thinking... "This sure is a pretty color but if I tote it around with me its going to get dirty pretty fast. That's not good look. Maybe I should get it in black." So that's what I did, I picked up the notebook in black for $23.99. Now knowing that I'll be printing most of the pages to add to my notebook, I walk over to pick up an Arc Desktop Punch and a light out of heaven appeared. I thought, "Could it be a replacement for the Martha Stewart notebook?" Why yes, yes it is! Martha was replaced with the M by Staples Arc Leather Notebook in purple. (Did I ever mention purple is my favorite color?) Why did I replace Martha?
- Martha = $24 / Arc = $12 on sale
- Martha = textured cover / Arc = leather
- Martha = black / Arc = purple
And with further ado, here is my new Arc. I'm so happy I didn't have to go with boring black!
If you were to judge my choice of decor based on my planner you would think that my home is very bright... but nope this pretty much the only place I have a lot of color. My wardrobe doesn't even have this much color. Well, except for the interior of my purse, my blingy phone case, my earbuds, and now my planner are all this divine shade of purple. (Can you hear the pitter-patter of my heart?)
Oh look at that sleek profile... she's a beaut!
I also like the fact that the Arc rings can be upgraded to an 1.5. There's room for growth as the year goes on.
Month tabs and Section Tabs.
When I was putting this planner together, my goal was to create a one stop shop for all the things that I think about in a day. Such as my schedule, to do's, my blog, what I eat, and on and on. Tomorrow I will give you a more in depth look. Stay tuned!

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