Welcome back for part two of my 2013 planner. Today I going to share some of the free printable I use to keep me and the family organized. Why, reinvent the wheel if I can find something works, right? Also, I'm going to share a new journey I'm starting on.
In the very front of my planner I have a monthly calendar that is a free printable from Tomkat Studios. Love the fun colors.
In between each month I have two weekly planning pages. Page one is for our family schedule and the second page is for my blog schedule. I keep the two schedules together because I find that my blog schedule is greatly effected by my family's schedule. This certainly aids in the one-stop shopperness, I can look at them both in one place.
The first one is from IHeart Organizing, its her Peek at the Week printable.

The second one is from Barely Mommy, her Weekly Post Planner
After the schedule section, I have my tabs.
I'm almost positive that I'll be adding to these at some point in the near future. After all, organization is all about tweaking until you get a system that works for you. Currently my tabs are:
- To Do - Added a pocket for any paper work I may need to bring with me. No special printables, I just use the note paper that came with the planner.
- Blog - Currently I have two printables in this section. First from Barely Mommy, her Ultimate Blog Post Planner. You have to like her Facebook page to have access to this one.
Then I have a six page printable from IHeart Organizing, Organizing Project Worksheet. Of course, I would have this one. I'm using it for some of the larger projects I have slated.
- Health - This section is blank so far. I'll get to that at the end.
- Shopping - Here is where I keep a running list of things we run out of at home or things that I want to buy for future projects.
- Ideas/Notes - Kind of self-explanatory... you never know when brilliance is going to strike! Now I can keep all of it in one spot.
So folks, this is what I working with at the beginning of the year. I can already see some tweaking that needs to be done. I'll be sure to share when I do.
Now on to my new journey that I'm starting. Soooo, for the longest time I've had the worst joint pain ever, to the point that I could not sit with my knees bent for longer than 10 minutes. I could not even lay in bed and read a book because my elbows would be on fire. I tried Joint Juice. I tried glucosamine/chondroitin pills. Nothing worked, nothing I tell you. I would still have pain. I just knew I was wheelchair bound from arthritis by the time I was 40. Then one day I was reading online about allergies and asthma, I have both, this is what I can across at www.foodintol.com.
Identifying Symptoms of Wheat Intolerance
There are actually dozens of symptoms caused by the 'inability to digest gluten' - in wheat and other grains. This list covers a few of the main ones and their categories. Note that these are exactly the symptoms which fill up doctors' waiting rooms:
- Gastro-intestinal: Stomach bloating & pain, Diarrhea, Flatulence, Constipation etc.
- Neurological: Frequent headaches, memory loss, behavioural difficulties, Depression
- Immune conditions: Frequent infections like colds & 'flu, and bacterial infections, mouth ulcers
- Inflammation and inflammatory disease: Stiff joints, proneness to allergies, Arthritis, colitis, thyroiditis, Psoriasis and others.
- Skin rashes: Eczema, Psoriasis, itching flaky skin
- General: food cravings, tiredness, Chronic fatigue, unwell feeling
Hmm, I thought. could it be. I mean, I already knew wheat was not good for my asthma, but could it also be the cause of my pain. It was time for a trial run. For two weeks I went without eating any wheat and let me tell you it worked people. By the end of the two weeks I had almost no pain. I know that sounds far fetched but I promise you its true. I went back to my regular eating last week and the pain set in again.
Now, with this new revelation I added a health tab to my planner. I knew I would need a space to write down what I'm eating on a daily basis as well as things I'm not eating. Hopefully this will motivate me to start working out again. (We'll see about that.) This is so new I'm still doing research. Do you or anyone you know have a food intolerance? Any blogs you know that are dedicated to this? I could use some suggestions.
Till next time...

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