Breaking Down The To-Do List In The Bedroom

Thank you to all those that responded to my call of input on my bedroom fabric dilemma yesterday. It was quite a mixed bag of responses.

Most were all for me using the platinum fabric, some said that it worked but thought I could do better, and a handful thought I should go back to the drawing board. Well let me tell you, I sat and stared at my mock-up bed for hours. In fact, I left it that way until it was time for bed. When the Mister came home from work I got his input... he liked the earth tones. So for now I am not married to it but, I am going to run with it and try to find a small print that will tie the two colors together, while keeping my spidey senses alert for other options.

After writing my post yesterday, I made a mental list of all the self-imposed projects that must be completed before this room is considered done. Wanna see my to-do list? Of course you do, here it is in no particular order...

  1. Add ribbon trim to new bedskirt
  2. Sew three euro pillow covers
  3. Sew bolster cover
  4. Make bedside table for my side
  5. Paint base of bedside lamps
  6. Get new lamp shades
  7. Make art work for over the bed
  8. Find a way to cover switch box across from bed
  9. Hang curtains
  10. Pretty up bedside tables
Whew... that's it, I think. That's one long list and most of them require me to "create" something. Needless to say, (side point: why do we use this term and still say what was needless to say anyway? Things that make you go hmm.) my nights and weekends will be filled with fabric, wood, and stain... maybe some paint. On the other hand, this will give me a lot of content to share with you along with some kitchen organizing I'm doing.

Also, if you are actually on the blog reading this, notice my new layout and design. My hope is to make the blog easier to navigate and content easier to find. I still have to get some links up but I'm liking where it's headed.

Till next time... I must go work on this list now if I hope to be done in a few weeks.

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