My Tiny Valentine

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Happy Valentines Day!

I know the 14th of February envokes a lot of mixed feelings for people. Some think it's a great excuse to celebrate love and romance, where as others think it's just an excuse for card companies to make money and begrudge every couple they know. I must say, throughout the last decade I have been on both sides of the luurrvvee fence. 

Which ever way you feel this year, you can't deny the cuteness of handmade gifts from tiny little people.

Handmade Valentine Card by Toddler/Baby | Sprinkle of Glitter

Of course Matt and I have also done special things for each other but this year, I want an excuse to get my coloured card out with Baby Glitter and so we had a little crafting session. You may have seen a sneak peak of it in THIS post. 

Handmade Valentine Card by Toddler/Baby | Sprinkle of Glitter

I have to admit that after she had done the initial paint stamping, the cutting and sticking was my department. The finished results were inspired by something we saw on Pinterest, so I shan't take all the credit. I'm really pleased with how these turned out and hope the recipients enjoy the love flavoured sentiment.

Handmade Valentine Card by Toddler/Baby | Sprinkle of Glitter

However you are or aren't celebrating Saint Valentine today, I hope you are happy and with people you love. If you're feeling a bit lonesome, why not have a chat in the comments? Us Sprinklerinos are a very loving crowd and I'm sure someone will have something kind to say!

Let me know what you've done today!


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