Friday Fess-Up

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I'm writing this post with no plan or notes or agenda. I'm just writing. Matt is watching a french DVD on his laptop, the baby is in bed and the fairy lights are lit. Perfect blogging conditions. It's like the olden days. Blogging for the sake of sharing thoughts and letting my brain spill out in a mess of things I like, things I don't, ideas, images, the lot. 

Sprinkle of Glitter
 Excited to be home in blogland!

If you are an avid reader, you might have noticed my absence. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I haven't provided something for you to read each day but I'm not sorry that I took a break. I feel refreshed. I feel ready. I feel like I have a new and happy direction to walk in.

The problem I have (and prepare for this post to get rambly) is that I am a sponge that reads too much. I read beauty blogs, lifestyle blogs, DIY blogs, interior blogs, money saving blogs, haul blogs, funny blogs, mummy blogs, A LOT OF BLOGS. I see things I like and think, 'Oh yes, I could do something along those lines' and so I do. I get addicted to a blog or writer and read EVERYTHING they have ever written and wish I could be a bit like them. I felt like I was loosing myself in a see of brilliant blogs and that I could firmly grasp an identity for this place. It was a good problem to have- I wanted to do TOO MANY things. I once was a craft blog, and then a beauty blog, and then an everything blog.

From now on, this is a Louise Blog. That's the category. Louise. 

I am giving myself permission to write about anything that brings me joy. If it is a beauty product that I have adored then I'll tell you, if I have had a good flurry of instapics then I'll share, if Baby Glitter did something precious then I'll document it. I want to document my life. I want to photograph my home and cherish the things I purchase and share my loves and dreams and hopes and thoughts. 

Sprinkle of Glitter
Jersey top || ASOS

I'm still going to read all those blogs because they enrich my mind. But I'm going to be healthy about it. I'm going to read them and congratulate them on being so brilliant. And then I'm going to settle down and be myself. 

I almost feel embarrassed that it's taken me this many months and weeks to realise this, especially as I had so many blog friends (thank you El) tell me the same, but I guess I just had to feel it, rather than know it. 

I know it now. I don't want to quit, I want to do quite the opposite. 

I want to incorporate all my worlds on here. I want to share all the amazing YouTube things I do, all the places I go and all the glamour, as well as my home life. For the longest time I have shielded my blog from the glitz of YouTube land because I felt it would be un-humble to talk too much about it. I was afraid you would think I've changed or that I am becoming someone above her station. After quite a lot of thought it dawned on me that you would most likely just be happy for me (as I would for you) and that it would be really exciting to have you along for the ride. I'm not silly, I know these experiences (trips to America, premieres, swish hotels etc) won't last forever so I am savouring it all and would love to have you all involved. 

On top of that, I am FINALLY finishing off my home, room by room. We moved in over four years ago! I had a year to arrange the major things (rewiring and kitchen fitting) and then I fell pregnant. I lost my job, was tired all the time, had a bambino, Sprinkle of Glitter took off and the house was left by the wayside. With the help of ideas from across the web (God bless pinterest), I have started styling my home into a space I am really proud of.

Being at home is my most happy place. I would choose it over ANYWHERE. I look forward to weeks where I know I don't have to leave and I yearn to be here when I'm away. Since it's so special to me, it makes sense to show a bit more of it on this blog. 

Oooooeeeeee I've written a lot very quickly. That all just fell out in about 30 seconds. With that off my chest, I feel pretty confident in saying that I'm back. I have a huge list of posts I want to write and new vigour to write them.

Stick around, things are about to get fun!

If you have anything particular you would like to read on this blog, now is your chance to tell me. I can't wait to hear from you.



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