Motivational Monday #24

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It took me a little while but here I am, finishing off my Motivational Monday series. What a series it has been! 

I hope you have had great weekends and if you live in the UK, woohooo for it being a Bank Holiday!

Motivational Monday
Do feel free to pin this image. 

This is a quote my Dad has said to be several times this Summer. 

You may have seen THIS post where I talked about my trip to LA and all that it brought to me but I think what strikes me the most from that experience is that I took a leap of faith and left my comfort zone. It was scary and more than a few tears were shed before I did it but the point is, I did do it.

By moving away from what I feel at ease with, I put myself in a position to try new things, meet new people and grow as a person. I'm so glad I allowed myself to go on that adventure and didn't hold myself back like I have done in the past.

I feel like from now on, I will try not to let my comfort zone hold me back so much. I am a home bird at heart but I need to learn to fly off a bit sometimes.

If you are like me and relish the comfort zone, step out of it. Even if it's just for a day, step out of it and see what happens. It's exhilarating and liberating and in all honesty, quite addictive!

I hope this post inspires you to make a little exciting change, if you do, please tell me about it in the comments so I can be thrilled with you!



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