Aloha Sprinklerinos,
In true blogging form, I'll start with an apology. I'm sorry for being away from this space of the internet for a while. I'm not sad or stressed or hiding, I've just been incredibly busy. That kind of crazy busy where you don't know where your toothbrush is because you are forever living out of different bags and you're not entirely sure what day is which. I like it but it does mean that a few of the things I enjoy pouring time into (like this blog) get pushed down the pecking order.
As always, I've been using instagram to document my adventures so this seemed like a good way to recap, ready for a return. I'm not promising daily posts again, not just yet, but I am throwing the idea of more posts out on the table. I'm excited to edge my way back in.
So, without further ado, here is what life has looked like lately in GlitterWorld. Each collage is in chronological order but the photos within are not. I went with what looked purdy to my les yeux.
A trip to Brighton. Matt, Darcy and I took to the roads to visit Zoe, Pippin and Percy. It was really nice to not do too much and just flop about on sofas, in cafes and by pebble beaches. Marcus and Niomi popped by for chats and nibbles the night we arrived (wish I'd known- wouldn't have travelled down in My Little Pony PJ's and no bra!!) and Zalfie (mm-hmmm I'm a shipper) generously surprised Darcy with a motorised mini toy car which she ADORES.
I'm really looking forward to going back sans Matt and baby so that I can have some full on Louise & Zoe time. I miss that girl too much.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Premiere. Oh me oh my premieres make me giddy. Swishy dresses, best friends, red carpets, popcorn, gargh, they are my most favourite thing.
Despite living with a huge spidey-geek, I actually didn't know a whole lot about the stories but lucky me (maybe) Jack came to stay for a few days and basically gave me the cliff notes so that I wasn't completely confused in the cinema. I felt VERY smug knowing alllllll the things by the time it was over.
It was so fun having all my favourite men there that evening (except obv Matt who was in Berlin for the week) and Hazel who was my ever-beautiful plus one.
Also, I'm obsessed with yellow at the moment. This dress was from River Island and the blazer was from ASOS. More premieres please!
An Assortment of Life. Our little girl turned 3 and so we we celebrated with her first ever trip to the cinema (Frozen) and a family birthday party. It was perfection.
I experimented with Elsa-inspired hair, found a crazy cool pink hair edit online (good job creative Sprinklerinos), dipped into my jar of happies, braved a crop top, styled Matt and generally felt happy.
Family Trip to Seattle. If you've been reading this blog for a while you'll know who Marie is. If not, here's a quick rundown- In 2011 she commented on one of my videos and I clicked on her profile to see what she was all about. I watched some of her stuff, fell a bit in love and emailed her. Emails turned to facebook chat, facebook chat to skype type and before we knew it were were video skyping every day, sending packages and presents across the ocean and knowing every detail of each other's lives. Amazing.
This Spring we finally met. It was incredible. A main channel video and a vlog series will be coming soon but until then, here's a ton of photos of the week. It was heavenly and I'm booked to go back this August!
YouTubers Take Over Milan. ItaTube was held this April in, surprise surprise, Italy and was an opportunity for creators to meet viewers, people to watch panels and stage shows, meet and greets and mingles. Also there was pizza, lots of pizza.
Spending time with all my YouTube friends makes me VERY happy. I feel like some of them are actually closer than my family and I'm proud to call them my friends. I also really loved getting to spend time with YouTubers I don't see as often like Hannah, Troye, Tyler, Connor, Anna and Lily. Vlogs are on their way!
This Weekend. Last but by no means least, this weekend. Wowzas it was packed! I've vlogged it all so I won't tell you too much but there was family time, secret Grace project time, collab time, stage (!!) time and adventures on a theatre roof time. Mmm-hmm that's a lot. It was a whirlwind of three days with highs upon highs and subsequently the following weekdays were quite the bump down to reality!
After reflecting about the (amazing) madness of my YouTube life these days, I made THIS video about YouTube Culture. I have been completely impressed by the response not only in the comments but by the messages on Tumblr, the tweets and the emails. Good job supportive internet people, you're ace.
And now here we are, caught up and hopefully refreshed. I'm writing this up on a train to London (another big weekend for me) and eating peanut M&M's.
I'd love a little recap of what you've been up to in the comments or some suggestions of what you would like to see on this blog in the next few weeks.
All the loves and sparkles,
Contributor - Louise
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(ps- I have a couple of LOVELY things from Cheap Frills and ADORE THEM. Go check them out, you won't regret it.
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