Gentle Family Time

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Cheese and pickle, I'm on a roll! I have been uploading to both my Sprinkle of Glitter and Sprinkle of Chatter channels like a pro this week. You may well have seen THIS side splitting collab with DanIsNotOnFire but the video I want to share is below. 

It was a bit of a challenge for me because it's the first time I've done music parts over and it's the first vlog in a long time that I've been calm, Mummy and Wifey. Lovely, lovely, lovely. 

If this embedded version is not working for you, click HERE. Also, if you haven't subscribed to my second channel and would like a little email each time there is something new, do feel free. It's HERE

Blogging Update - I'm enjoying tip-tapping on here a bit more regularly. I feel like I've lost my writing mojo but after four and a half years of going full pelt, I'm not going to cry about it. Instead, I'm going to keep going and know that with practise it will return. Until then, bare with me :)

What kind of videos do you enjoy to watch the most?



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