Rocket & Zula | Kittens

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Kittens are the greatest. 

Rocket and Zula are 10 weeks old, brother and sister and frankly, the cutest little things ever to grace the feline world. 

First days are scawee. 


'What's that!'


We decided that after a year and four months with no kitty (RIP Mindy), it was time to add to the household and when a cousin's cat had babies, it seemed like the right time.

We've had them six days and so far they are doing great. Zula (the black girl) likes to scamp about, play with toys and sleep on or by your lap. Rocket (the tabby boy) is a little more shy and prefers to fine hidey-holes to sleep or curl up with Zula. They both have crazy moments where they pounce on each other and race around- they're having one as I type!

We plan on making them indoor/outdoor cats but for now, whilst they're getting used to this house, they are living in my office and I'm doing approximately zero hours work and 24 hours kitty watching, it's bliss. 

I'll of course be updating you on them and letting you in on all their adventures, but for now, here are a few snaps of them I took earlier. I tell you, photographing kittens is a lot more challenging than I thought it would be! Sheesh!

If you have any tips for helping kittens settle in or anything you think I should be aware of, let me know. I had kittens as a child, worked in a cattery as a student and have done a fair bit of reading but you can never know too much, yanno?

More snaps coming soon.



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