Aloha Sprinklerinos,
You know how much I love a list? Well I'm at it again. A couple of months ago in THIS post I talked about things we have on this Summer and with July speeding past in the blink of an eye, I thought I'd update you and future plan. Mmmm it's like blog therapy to me!
June was so intense I felt like my feet barely touched the ground.
Watching 1D perform live, performing live ourselves on stage in NYC and attending Vidcon were all highlights.
Homey bits that melted my heart were celebrating Father's Day and watching Baby Glitter give all her love to her Dada and taking her to her first ever kiddie birthday party. Any parties we've ever had have been very family orientated so to see her running about with playgroup pals and having such a great time was lovely. There are a few shots of it in the video embedded below.
So far, July has been luxuriously relaxed. We got back from LA just under 2 weeks ago, Zoe and I hosted an event at the Warner Brother's Studios (which. was. amazing. HERE is the vlog) and I've spent the rest dividing my time between London, friends and family. Ideal.
Another joy this month has been kittens. Kittens. KITTENS. I wrote THIS blog post about them and uploaded THIS featuring the little fluffballs. Ooof I love them so.
Something else I've enjoyed a lot this summer has been shopping. I've always been a bit of a magpie for lovely things but this Summer I've caught the bug bad. In an effort to shop with slightly less guilt I've signed up to which is a site full of great discounts and money saving opportunities (just gonna throw this out there- they have Mothercare and Superdrug on there-yay!!). Topcashback have kindly said that if you are a reader and you use THIS link to sign up too, you'll be gifted with a free Soap & Glory Lid Stuff product. I actually already own this so can fully vouch for it being a little gem to have in your makeup bag. Besides, who doesn't love a freebie? Thank youuuuu!
August is set to be blissful (touch wood). The only things properly booked in my calendar are Summer In The City, a music festival for Matt (I'm not the wellies and tents type) and a couple of family/neighbourhood parties.
With Matt off for the Summer Holidays we are toying with the idea of vlogging every day that month. I say 'toying' because I've never successfully stuck to an entire month. Remember the fail that was Vlogmas 2013? Haha. Would you like to see a month of our summer? There is a big part of me that fancies the challenge but a little part of me that's afraid of failure.
Also this month are family birthdays, lots of stationery shopping for my annual Stationery Haul video and helping my little sister pack for university- I swear she was only a toddler five minutes ago.
And there we have it. My summer. I would be really interested to hear what you have planned, whether you have grabbed your topcashback freebie and whether you'd be interested in some daily vlogging next month!
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