Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Merry Monday my little glitterballs. Did you have a good weekend? Did you spend any time last week working on seeing the good in bad? I did.
This week we are talking about honesty.
Image from Pinterest.
Honesty is a funny one.
I would describe myself as fairy honest but really, am I? Is anyone? We all know the basics- don't tell lies, don't steal, don't cheat, but what about- say how you feel, accept your own feelings, go with your heart?
The latter are the hard ones. It's a fine line to walk between keeping something in because you are protecting someone (maybe yourself) and just saying what's on your mind and damn the consequences.
I am a worrier. A people worrier to be precise. I worry that I will upset, anger or offend and so keep thoughts, feelings and concerns to myself. Sometimes this works well because I avoid a whole heap o' drama, but sometimes I just end up hurt or confused.
I didn't mean to be honest this week but I was. I had several encounters with people where I just thought, (and do excuse my language), 'fuck it, I'm not playing games with anyone, least of all myself'.
It. Was. Great.
Well, some of it was haha. Some of it ended in tears, some of it ended in a slight red face, some of it ended in a really happy face and some of it ended in ease.
Regardless of the varied results, I'm really glad. I feel secure and content. I've had a lot of confusion in my life for the past few months and haven't enjoyed endless guessing games and communication breakdowns. They suck. Even if you don't get the answer you want, at least you know it's the honest answer and you can't really ask for more than that. And, sometimes, it goes pretty well!
This week I urge you to be honest. Mostly with yourself. Is there anything in your life that is confusing or could become confusing? Take a step to add more honesty to the situation and see how you feel. Be realistic and be prepared to accept the consequences but have the strength to do it.
You don't have to go gaga and declare your undying love for the guy in accounts, but maybe invite him out for a coffee. What have you got to loose? Dignity always grows back with time ;)
Good luck on your quests, let me know in the comments how it goes or if you have any examples of doing this before!
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