Motivational Monday || Goals

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday! How was your weekend? Refreshing I hope. Let's look toward the new week with positivity. 

I saw this quote and it struck a chord with me. I spend a lot of time making plans and mapping out things I want to do. A lot of the time I actually see them through but of course there are still those things that continue to linger on the 'to-do' list. 

This week I want to spend some proper time thinking about what I want to achieve (for example, I want to photograph all my favourite little streets in London with my big girl camera, I want to take time to visit my friend Faye in Yorkshire, I want to book a massage etc), set some time targets and do them!

It would be unrealistic to manage all of those in one week but my goal is to have them thought about properly and maybe booked in. 

Is there anything in your life that you have been meaning to do but never have? Take this opportunity to make a note of them. Make a note and have a think about what steps you could take to make those plans a reality. 

Your life will carry on plodding no matter what you do with it. You may as well fill it with happies, huh? 

I'm off to google spas within a 10 mile radius!



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