September late-date!

Aloha Sprinklerinos!

Happy November! Where oh where does time go? It seems that 2014 is wizzing by faster than I can keep track. 

With that in mind, I have looked over all my recent insta snaps and wanted to have a little catch up. Half for your (hopeful) enjoyment but also for mine, so that when I read back over this digital scrapbook of mine, I will remember all these tiny moments and cherish them. 

So, today let's remember September and next week we'll do October. Also, for once, it's in chronological order. Yay!

From R-L. Top - Bottom.

Row One
This was a #tbt (Throw Back Thursday) where I was wishing to be back with Marie and her wonderful family in Seattle. Currently we are planning a trip so there's light at the end of that exciting tunnel!

Having kittens in the house makes for mischievous little moments like this. I'm so glad to have my phone to capture moments like walking into the bathroom to find them in the tub. 

September to me is the unofficial start of Autumn, so of course, the candles were lit and cosiness re-instated!

I love giving people little keepsakes and after I found these Juicy Lucy cards, I just had to write a few for the girls in the office. 

Row Two
Since I'm in London so much, I often stay over night so that I can do two full days of meetings and projects and then be properly at home again. This was one of those night and the lovely Hazel and Ollie came to keep me company. Things got pretty wild (lol) and ended up with room service milk and cookies and laptop times. 

Next day in between meetings I had a cheeky Zizzi's with Jack. This is the moment after I whinged that my pizza was too difficult to cut and he conceeded to do it for me, mwahahaha- look how happy about it he was! ;)

That afternoon I skipped off to Claridges to intervew Kim Kardashian (as you do). Vlog of the event coming really soon!

And then before I knew it, I was home again, makeup off and have cuddles with my baby. Bliss. 

Row Three
Oop, that time I decided to insert 4 random seconds of stop-motion footage into a video, just because I'd worked out how to do it and was excited. Yeah buddy. 

Starbucks stop with my baby girl. If you don't like tea or coffee (like me), give a chocolate cream frapperchino with a shot of peppermint a go. You won't regret it. 

My beautiful friend from university married her sweetheart and Darcy delighted in the ice cream. Seriously, why does icecream make kids so completely happy?!? 

The superhero themed wedding cake- potentially the best cake I've ever seen. 

Row Four
As part of a project for Comic Relief Hazel was asked to shoot some footage at the Warner Brother Studios. I was invited along as her trustee side-kick and we had a night of duelling, touring and general giddiness. Cheeky lil smooch from Dumbledore too eh? Heh heh. 

Those crazy kids over at Boomf very kindly sent me a set of customised marshmallows. Sweets with my own face on? Yes please. 

From R-L. Top - Bottom.

Row One
Exciting goodies in my PO Box. 

The joy of finding spare Real Techniques brushes at Gleam HQ. Oh me oh my I was happy!

Jack and I played tourists for the day and someone got giddy at the Natural History Museum (hint, it was me). If you check out my Sprinkle of Chatter channel, there's a vlog of it, yay!

Cuddles with Zula. 

Row Two
Cuddles with Rocket.

I recently bought sparkle pumps from Accessorize and I'm still happy about this choice. 

Playing YouTube in a giant cardboard cutout at a google talk I did with Vivvy and Anna. It was nice to be so grown up for the day- even if I did wear the sparkle pumps. 

Oh how the mighty fell- wisdom tooth removal. I was not brave about it. Not one bit.

Row Three
Another #tbt to Malibu Beach with the gang. That was SUCH a lovely day. One of those where you look around and realise how very blessed you are. 

The day I discovered our local supermarket does these little scone, cream and jam packs was a reaaalllyyy good one!

Darcy welcomes Autumn at the playground. 

I welcome Autumn with a bubble bath. Mmmhmmm. 

Row Four
With my amazing Manager Dom Smales who is one of the most supportive men in my life. Big loves for him. 

More cuddles with Rocket. I could just cuddle him forever. 

Both my furry babies. When Zula rolls on his back like that, I feel I might die. Look. At. Himmmmm. 

That time I wanted to demonstrate how tired I was on the train but actually just posed with my eyes shut for a selfie and looked gaga to all the other passengers. Good then. 

From R-L. Top - Bottom.

Row One
En route to film a collab with Miranda Sings and bumping into lots of her very lovely fans!

Pizza's healthy if you have a heap of salad, right? 

If there's one thing I love more than loving on my cats, it's watching other people love on them.

Playtime with fluff puffs. Who knew they could be so much fun??

Row Two
More Autumn leaves. Darcy spent so, so long picking up loads to make herself a 'fan'. She was very proud. I was too really. 

My lounge is most definitely my favourite cosy space in the world. You can't not be happy in there.

PJ's and Christmas films, even if it was only September. 

Contemplative playtime. 

Row Three
I was asked by my friend Clare to give a talk at her school (which incidentally is my old school) about modern language on social media. They gave me flowers at the end. A good day!

Hair time!

A little bit of chummy lovin' at Zoe's launch for Zoella Beauty. 

Row Four
And then all smiles with Hazel in the photo booth. 

I attended and talked at a Creativity Conference in London with Jack, Finn and Jamal. This was the first public speaking event I have ever felt really uncomfortable at and felt very out of my depth- eep!

Again, rubbing a cat round my face. Standard. 

A hearty wooden lunch, served by Darcy. Lucky Mama!


Gracious me that was a lorra lorra catching up! I'm really glad I took the time to look back over all of those- it's made me realise how lucky I am to be so busy and have so many exciting projects, even if at the time they feel overwhelming or scary!

If you'd like to follow me on instagram, I am @Sprinkleofglitr. 

Do you ever make time to take stock? In what ways do you reflect?



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