Aloha Sprinklerinos,
As promised last week in my rather late September Update, today we're looking at October and recapturing all those sweet little moments that made the month so special.
With any luck, I'll start managing these on a more regular basis!
All images are from my instagram account which you can check out HERE.
From L-R. Top-Bottom.
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Recently my Grandma's Brother Geoff flew over from Australia to visit us. I'd never met him and it had been the first time in 20 years that he was reunited with his siblings. My Dad arranged a huge dinner for us all at a venue in the countryside and it was a lovely chance to just be amongst family. On top of that, because Matt was away, I was forced to drive a long route I've never taken before. I'm a really nervous driver so although I was really frightened to do it, I ended up super proud that I faced a fear and came out on top! Darcy wowed the Pentland crowds with her oh-so-sweet attire and enjoyed playing round the (not lit) fire place. Autumn Cuteness overload.
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Gma rocking a selfie. I'm so proud of the women in my family and even prouder to be one of them. They're a good bunch!
Whilst Darcy sat playing on my lap one day I noticed how very, very grown up she is becoming. She likes to accessorise every outfit and just seeing a necklace clasp under her tiny fluffy baby hair made me emotional.
A #tbt (Throw Back Thursday) snap of me, Dan and Phil. I do love those boys.
Jack came to play. I say, 'play' but what I mean is set himself up on my sofa with every cushion available and work. Fun times.
This was my, 'I'm so excited' face. I forget what I was excited for. Either a new video ooorrr a twitter takeover I did for Shout Magazine with Zoe.
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Little bit of train time with Jackrobat. Lovely, lovely.
Whilst on a newspaper photoshoot, I managed to squeeze in a bit o' Laspar time. I've seen a couple of people ask if 'Laspar' is real (as in are we dating and 'shipped' our names together). Just to clarify, nooooo, we're not! It just kind of a running joke we have with our YouTube viewers haha.
Whilst in a meeting the next day, I opened my notepad to find these beauties from the Zoella Beauty launch party and smiled. It was nice to see such friendly faces beaming up at me.
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Next morning I took a walk round Borough Market with some of my really old friends from Liverpool. We mooched about, ate tapas and chatted for hours. It was like food for the soul.
A cheeky little picture of me and Alfie snuck in there too. Isn't he a love?
Whilst with the old but gold friends, we headed up to the top of the Shard to take in the view and enjoy some sight-seeing. If you ever have the chance, you should definitely go, it's quite spectacular.
Back home in the local petrol station (the glamour) I saw this display of heavenly goodness. Hello Nutella & Go, let's be best friends.
From L-R. Top-Bottom.
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On to some more homey times now. Watch Darcy play is one of the most peaceful things to do in my life. I love seeing her little mind work and making up new stories. It's just the cutest.
To celebrate Halloween, we bought and decorated 'spooky' cookies. We love doing little activities like this. Just perfect bursts of Mummy-Baby time.
Practising her Halloween poses in the mirror. Look at that hip action!
My little fluff baby being so adorable I might pass out.
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And then I let her have some say in what she wore and she came up with this. I'm OK with it. Creative free will and all haha.
Another #tbt for #Laspar. Oh dear.
It's so rare that she falls asleep in my arms and gets this cosy so when she does I cherish it tight. I could love on this little girl forever.
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For my main channel I made Spooky Toddler DIY's video and the night before sat up practising all the projects. This little guy became a firm friend.
Red and Black lips for a bonus video. Oh la la.
At a photoshoot for the AmityFest tour we did. It was SUCH an early start (I was in the car at 5am) that Pillie simply had to come with me.
Caspar looking lovely.
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Me (hopefully) looking lovely!
Lunch with the one and only, Tanya Burr. Jim came too but he was the photographer haha.
Thank goodness for the wonderfully talented hair and makeup lady who transformed my very early morning face.
And then before I knew it I was home with my baby and Jack too! If you hope over to his insta, you can see the journey home. I was soooo delirious with tiredness and excitement that I made myself cry laugh and he very kindly documented it. Tada!
From L-R. Top-Bottom.
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I wore a hat. Jack didn't care. I think deep down he did but yanno, he's playing it cool.
Reading through all your gorgeous letters from my PO Box. You lovelies melt my heart.
An avocardo. Just chillin'.
Darcy (who dressed herself again) hanging out by the magazines. 'Baby Glitter is in the press' was my pithy caption. Ha ha ha I make myself laugh with those. Lol.
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Screenshot from our Halloween DIY video!
London looking oh so beautiful at night time.
OK, this blog post has told me I've seen Caspar way too much this month. I blame AmityFest.
Whilst we rehearsed for AmityFest, we would go to lunch at the cutest, most hipster cafe I've ever stepped foot in. Seriously, there were little chilli plants instead of flowers.
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Screenshot from my lipstick tutorial video.....but the bit where Zula distracted me.
Artwork on buildings like this is why I love Shoreditch and it's surroundings so very much.
Baby Girl taking in the Autumn.
And 'throwing the ducks some bread'. AKA. Violently throwing crumbs on the floor and then being annoyed when the ducks waddled out of the lake and came too close to her wellies.
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Random cat. I can't help but document them when I see them.
Bit o' Jack time.
A late night craft project (why oh why do I do those to myself?!)
Hazel and I ready for the spookiest party in town. You can't fully see but Hazel sprayed her hair violet and it looked amazing.
From L-R. Top-Bottom.
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A snap of a snap from the #AsDarknessFalls Halloween Party. I vlogged it HERE.
The prettiest doorway in London that I spotted from a taxi window. You can't really see in this picture but the ceiling was powder blue with hand painted gold stars all in it. It really was beautiful.
Shameless selfie 1.
Dinner with Jack and Dean. They had the greatest little time, despite what this picture tells you.
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Shameless selfie 2. (This was actually to go to a meeting and I quickly realised that glossy red lips, long wavy hair and high winds - not a good mix).
A snap with my Chummy at the launch with Tanya Burr's lashes. I do miss that lady.
Cuddles with a boy baby that I did not birth. YouTube search 'Hannah Maggs' for all that cuteness!
Oh hai lipsticks of absolute beauty! Check out THIS post for more on them.
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A very, very, very tired little baby. Oof my heart could burst for her.
Preparing to hit the road for AmityFest- I stocked up for the tour bus. Yum.
Saying goodbye to my little angel made me sad. When I go away I get so insanely homesick. I'm thinking about doing a video or blog post about that soon. What do you think?
Stage hair and makeup! I'm so into little plaits at the moment!
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Darcy on stage during rehearsals. She loved it so much that she actually came out for a little bit in the show which was adorable. She's becoming quite the show girl!! <3 p="">
Group photo with some of our guests and then two of the actual show- the whole thing was such a blast. Vlog coming very very soon!
And there we have it. My entire month in 48 pictures! What did you do in October that you loved?
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