Aloha Sprinklerinos,
If you read a lot of beauty blogs then you may well have read a little bit about this product before as I believe the PR company running the Balmi shibang sent out a fair few- yay for being generous!!
Even though these are featuring on lots and lots of other sites, I thought I would throw my two cents in anyway because I'm just wild like that.
Balmi is a beautifully scented natural lip balm that comes in 5 different flavours and is available to buy in boots for £4.99.
This globe shaped balm is available in 5 different flavours (mint, coconut, strawberry, blackcurrant and raspberry) and contains vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba oil.
I have been using the coconut lip balm (in white packaging, crazily enough) for a couple of weeks now and absolutely love it. I really feel like my lips are left nourished and succulent and unlike some lip products, this lasts a fair few hours before you feel you'd like a top up.
I featured this is in my July Favourites video and pointed out that if you pull the little keyring/bag charm attachments, a little portal at the bottom is opened and the product is left exposed. Whilst talking about it I thought it was a safety issue (choking hazard for Mama's like me) but a couple of people in the comments thought it might be an alternative way of using the balm- like to apply with your finger sort of a deal. It's still a mystery to me, but I thought I would tell you anyway!
All in all, a good product. Lip balm doesn't really float my boat on a general basis, it's just sort of a thing that is about, but this did excite me a little bit, I thought it was 'neato'.
Have you tried these balmi balls? Have you noticed how similar they look to the EOS ones?
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