Aloha Sprinklerinos,
A lifestyle post for you today because of late, my life has wizzed by in a blur and today I finally found a few spare moments whilst Baby Glitter snoozed to go through some of my snaps and decide which ones to put on here.
These really do sum up the last 14 days and although it's bulky, I'm really glad I took my big camera round with m to capture the moments.
The Olympics. I went to see the Men's Artistic Gymnastics at Greenwich Arena (or Millennium Dome if you are old school like me) and this new fangled light display was in the foyer. I have quite the obsession with lighting so naturally was drawn to it. It also changed colour to different shades of pink, violet, purple and amber. Beautiful.
I definitely have had Olympic Fever! I'm not usually one for sporting events but this Olympiad I was so into it. I love the positive atmosphere it bought to the country and thought the opening and closing ceremonies were amazing.
A trip to Liverpool and a serious case of Monroe-skirt. Matt was actually trying to capture a few OOTD shots but I liked this one because it's pretty candid and I didn't know he had starting snapping away. Outfit post coming soon.
Whilst shopping in Liverpool city centre I found this super cute handmade independent shop. I really admire people who make their own businesses and love all things crafty so I thought this was super. The lady who runs the shop has a website that I took a card for so I could link it. However, being the dunce I am, I have lost the card so I'm ever so sorry! I bought a couple of cards and look forward to going back. If you are in the area, it is behind Primark in the blue coat area. Enjoy!
Whilst in Liverpool I found the shoes of my dreams. Glitter-tastic.
After taking Matt's Ma & Pa for lunch in the city we wandered down to the new museum at the docks and had a look round.
And posed infront of stars.
And marvelled at the sights below.
On another day we hit the beach. Crosby beach isn't exactly white sands and blue seas but I embraced it none the less and the cherry on the top was that I met up with El from A Thrifty Mrs, who is a good egg indeed.
After we filmed a video together, which you can see HERE, we stood watching the waves and chatting away like old biddies.
Oohhh sneaky kissy shot of Matt for you there. Isn't he a dish?!
Later that day we met up with Matt's brothers and family folk and took Baby Glitter to the playground. My brother-in-law and I got a little carried away on the see-saw. Tehe.
Then we were Newcastle-bound! My other brother and sister-in-law just had their first baby- a little girl. She was so teeny tiny and gorgeous. It's amazing how women can grow entire humans in their tunmies.
And then we were home! Time for reading library books to a tired 1 year old and enjoying freshly picked flowers.
Mindy got all crafty and decided Baby Glitter's art supplies were where she would chillax.
Whilst I unpacked our suitcase, Matt put together my new shelving unit. At last I can be organised and find my things when I want them! Baby Glitter was my little helper :)
After all that, we had our chum from Matt's work round for patio nibbles and BBQ food. Yum!
Phewf! I feel pooped!
What have you been up to this last couple of weeks?
This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Lady of Vintage. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!
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