Stumped In The Kitchen

Good day people. We are in our new place and there are boxes everywhere! Okay, not eveywhere. They're not in the kitchen, but they're in the kitchen nook. Does that still count as everywhere? 

Anywho... today on Facebook I asked, "The last time you moved what was the first room you organized?"  For me it is always the kitchen. Maybe because I love to cook or because the hubby loves to eat and is always hungry. Possibly because nothing makes me feel more at home than a good home-cooked meal. Whatever it is, I always tackle the kitchen first. But for some reason I'm having a hard time getting this new kitchen organized. I keep moving things around. I know I'm driving my hubby crazy every time he opens a cabinet there's something other than what he was looking for in there. 

I think when we moved I figured I would be able to utilize all the organizing tools in the same manner as I did in the previous kitchen. But I'm finding that a lot of my organizing tools have to be reworked to fit into "modern" spaces or all new ones must come in. 

This was the scene today when I had to unload a cabinet (it wasn't a good use of space) I had just loaded two days ago. It was an ironstone and transferware explosion!
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