Amazing Advertisers | | March 2013

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Spring has sprung and we're firmly planted in March now. This month has been busy and hectic and is about to get a whole lot busier as I mentioned here.

I've been blogging lots this month (did you notice?) so I'm sure most you will have noticed the lovely advertisers adding some colour to my sidebar. Let's delve in a bit closer and get to know them.

Kittenish Behaviour is my Ultimate Advertiser this month and oh me, oh my this site brims over with beauty. They sell the most beautiful dresses with more than air of vintage and retro inspiration to them. Creative Director (that sounds swish) Sian has her own blog as part of the site too where she shares her fashion favourites and chic activities. 

This is one of those blogs where you can really settle in for a good read and feel like you get to know the person on the other side of the screen, plus her header is really pretty - right up my visual street. Covering lots of aspects of life including beauty (some great swatches), life with illness and home decor.

A blog written by a lovely 22 year old Canadian with a very fancy sounding job which involves looking foxy in a hard hat by the sounds of things. Featuring in depth and quite funny beauty reviews with a really easy to navigate layout and great pictures.

Are you a fan of sparkly, pretty things? Is that a yes? Then like me, you'll be a fan of Chloe & Isabel, which is an online jewellery store run by Tarin, based in Texas. She sells a stylish and girlie selection of  jewels including cocktail rings, earrings and great necklaces.

This little slice of the web seems custom made to suit the colours I enjoy - check out the prettiness! Featuring talk of beauty, life and even food art - happiness is never far away on this blog. Through this blog I have even been introduced to the aforementioned food art, seriously who knew such a thing existed but an owl made from Nutella and apricots? I'm enthralled. 

Day Dream in Blue is written by 18 year old Tom based in the big smoke of London. The clean design of this blog is also reflected in the posts Tom shares from his life. His clean, chic clothing wish lists make me think he is quite the dapper chap and his recent Ikea hauls make me swoon.

Charlotte shares her life with us, talking through things she loves and things that are happening with her at the moment. I really enjoy her relationship posts, they're refreshingly honest without being depressing.

This chap (yes another chap!) - Danny, seems to live an incredibly glamorous life, jetting off here and there and he shares his adventures along with a peek at his style. His positive outlook has me checking back for new posts on a regular basis.

Lynsey lives north o' the border in Scotland and runs this delicious lifestyle blog which includes everything from her thoughts on social media, beauty posts and updates on her travels. I think she is in Hong Kong right now, jealous or what?

This compelling blog is written by Stacie who is currently awaiting a heart and lung transplant. Her outlook on life whilst facing something so scary is both humbling and incredibly, incredibly inspiring. Her story will have you in tears but reading her blog makes you realise life is good. I like the way Stacie sees things.

That's it for this month, I hope you've discovered someone new.
If you'd like to advertise with Sprinkle of Glitter you can find all of the information collected together here.



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is  Kittenish Behaviour. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE

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