Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Well, I meant to write this post for Friday, but will with all the upset of loosing my little Mindycat, I took a day away from my laptop. I'm sure you won't mind.
February was a proud blog month for me. I challenged myself to upload a post every single weekday and I succeeded. I wasn't exactly a breeze but I really enjoyed getting stuck in and am pleased with the content I produced. Look at me being all self praising! Haha.
I'm reluctant to challenge myself to do this throughout March as I know I have a LOT on in the next 4 weeks but I'm going to give it a while. In for a penny, in for a pound as they say...whatever that actually means!
So, before it's too late, let's reflect on the great month that we just had and tomorrow we'll be looking forward to the next one. Smooooth.

We kicked off February with THIS post, oohing and arring over the latest offerings from Urban Decay. The above palette is the Naked Blush Trio, the sister product the the Naked Eyeshadow. I'm crossing my fingers for more from this range.

Still in total makeup junkie mode (when am I not in this mode?!) I told you all about THIS amazing Illamasqua Event I had attended and we talked about speckled nails. Last month I also saw that L'Oreal are continuing with the speckled nail trend so I suspect this will be something we see a lot of in the months to come. Exciting to have something new.

In week two, as well as having a long overdue blog redesign from Blogger/Author/Designer WonderForest, I talked about spending quality time with Darcy and making THESE oh so cute Valentine Cards for our family.

In that same week, I uploaded THIS Happy Wife FOTD and took a new approach to photographing products - grouping! I by far and above prefer this method and think I will keep it up in the future.

February's giveaway was for a pair of Cloud Nine Stylers (won't link it as this giveaway is now closed). I was thrilled with your enthusiasm and may try and do a few more of these sorts of things. I'm quite fortunate in that I am offered to do giveaways by a lot of brands but I only really do them if the prizes excite me or I think they are extra special. Shall I do more? You decide.

February was the month that I launched THIS new feature- Baby Style. If Darcy will stand still for 2 minutes and I can get a decent snap, you'll see a lot more of this kind of thing! After THIS insane clothes haul, I think I've got enough clothes! Haha.

In the final week of the month, we had THIS good old fashioned DIY post. As always, it was easy and affordable as I think that's what makes projects most appealing! All too often I have given up on things when they were too complex (I'm looking at you 'easy sew nappy bag') and felt frustrated and out of pocket (yeah, still you 'easy sew nappy bag. Grrrr). If your repins on Pinterest were anything to go by, this DIY tutorial was a hit. Woot woot.

And then finally, at the very end of a brilliant month, there was the very sad news of my wonderful kitty going up to heaven. She is buried in my back garden (I paid extra for the vet to come out to our house and leave her body- well worth the expense if you are ever in this awful position as the animal is a LOT calmer) and I imagine that she is up in heaven with my Mum and Gran and her kitty Mum and any brothers and sisters she might have had. She had a good life.
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So a busy month! On top of all of those highlights (and the low light), were my regular posts like Amazing Advertisers, Bedroom Beauty Challenge and four Motivational Mondays (I think my favourite posts to write).
Is there anything specific you'd like to see in March? What did you enjoy or maybe dislike (holds breath and hopes you're kind!) in February?
This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Kittenish Behaviour. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.
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