More Kitchen Organizing

This past weekend I was about to rearrange a few of my kitchen cabinets when I realized I had never shared  the original look with you. So I figured there is no time like the present. Then ones I rearranged I'll show you the before and the after, also some of the ones I didn't touch.

What brought on this revamp? I'm about to embark on a cleanse of sorts and have to give up coffee. So I was getting ready to pack away this whole scene and decided to rearrange while I was at.

Goodbye delicious coffee! You have been there for me on many a dreary eyed morning. You will be missed... at least until these headaches go away.

Now that I have mourned, on to the cabinets... the dish cabinet before.

(The hubby says I have a Tweety bird head, so that mug was a reminder gift. It makes me smile every time I look at it.)

For the dish cabinet, most of the changes happened on the top two shelves. I moved the coffee mugs to the top shelf since I will not be using them as often. Also I moved the Le Creuset teapot over here with the other teapots. 

The serving dish cabinet before.

And after, its a mix of vintage and new pieces.

You may have noticed that there were originally some canning items in the before serving dish cabinet, they where moved next door. Notice the vintage scale that some crazy person painted green!!! But it was only $2.

Next door to that are our wine and cocktail glasses.

Below the dish cabinet is our "appliance garage."

Now, I had planned on sharing the rest of the kitchen but, after this shot I was interrupted and then drafted. Drafted into what, you ask. Well... I'll let the picture tell you.

The hubs was making salsa and I needed to be his sous chef. You can blame him for not being able to see the rest of the kitchen in this post. Oh yes, the salsa is fabulous!!!

Till next time...

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