Aloha Sprinklerinos,
After writing 'My iPhone Life || September 2013' I have been enjoying using my phone camera a lot more and am finding myself capturing more and more little moments.
This week I am in Orlando (I wrote this last week and scheduled it- woooo technology) so I will no doubt have some Disney snaps to share with you next time. Until then, the first half of October was pretty busy!!
May peace prevail on earth.
This little cat visits my garden all the time and is sooo friendly. I really miss being a cat mummy and can't wait to add kitties to our family in the new year.
Darcy leads the way.
Autumn skies.
Halloween sweet treats.
The week Zoe came to stay. We filmed countless videos, laughed, ate, sang and talked about future projects. Days like those are brilliant.
Countryside from the car. I love living in England.
Buying props for THIS video.
Autumn roses at Auntie Rose's.
Another trip to the supermarket, this time with a helper.
Last weekend I was asked to talk at Wired Magazine's Annual Conference about YouTube which was a huge honour and a great opportunity to meet some really interesting people.
Oh hai Eliza Dolittle. She was lovely. We chatted about Appletise and Grandads.
This is Jack Andraka who is basically going to save the world. THIS is his wiki page which I strongly recommend you read. It makes me so happy and comforted to know there are people like this in the world. He's 16. Crazy.
Even my Dad enjoyed a set from Eliza. A brilliant end to a wonderful day.
Halloween Party funsies with VIPXO.
Tutu twins! Thank you Asos!
Louise, Queen of the Spiders/Arogog's Wife.
I really wish I'd iPhone snapped some pictures of me and Zoe but I'm pretty sure she did and they'll be floating round instagram and tumblr if you want to have a search for them. There is also a vlog of the party on my Sprinkle of Chatter channel.
I stayed in London overnight so had some quiet time in the hotel to catch up on magazines (I'm in Company this month- yay) and start (after hearing everyone RAVE about it) watching Breaking Bad.
I'm one episode in and can't say I'm too hooked yet. I'm more of a Downton gal I think.
Even on cloudy days London is gorgeous.
And now I'm home (I'm writing this on the 23rd) and this is what is at my feet as I type. I bought a new camera and the box it came in has entertained Darcy for about 40 minutes now. I might just get her a load of boxed for Christmas!!
And that's it! Phewf that was a lot!
What have you been up to this week and what kind of glimpses into my life would you like to see in next months My iPhone Life?
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