Wonderforest The Wizz

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Just a little Sunday update to let you in on some great news from my friend Dana.

To fill you in, Dana is the very clever lady who does most of my design work for me, as well as running her own blog, writing e-books and now, making games and apps. What a woman!

(Image pinched from Dana's blog) 

Dana asked me if I would mind sharing with you that she has created a new game called Wondercorn which is about a terribly cute unicorn trying to find his way to Pleasure Mountain. It's also suitable for all ages so I'm happy to have it on my phone even though Darcy likes to click about on there. The fact that it is so pink and girly and purdy is just an added bonus!!

If you would like to learn more about it or you just fancy giving Dana a little stalk, click HERE for all the details.

What are you favourite games right now?



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