The Everyday Mundane || Monday Insights #5

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Happy Monday to you! The start of a new week to turn over a new leaf and achieve your goals.

If you are confused as to what this feature is, hop on over to THE ORIGINAL POST where you can fill yourself in.

The topic for this week is -

The Everyday Mundane

What are the dynamics between you, Matt &  Darcy in everyday life? Do you ever worry you are spending too little time with one or the other or do YOU ever feel left out when they are together? I've often wondered if its hard to see your hubby giving lots of love and attention to the other girl in his life sometimes.

The dynamics in our family are quite traditional I think. I'm more feminine in my behaviour than Matt and am all about choosing her outfits and putting clips in her hair and Matt loves to take her to parks and on walks and do outdoorsy things. It's only ever wonderful to see Darcy and Matt get on so well. He is as much her parent as I am and plays an equal role in her life. It brings me joy to see them together. Smoosh-tastic answer there! 

I´ve always wondered what your opinion on feminism is? Because you seem like a really girly person with lots of glitter and pink in your life, and have you ever thought about that it might contribute to the "girly" society (you know that a girl is so petite and fragile and oh so weak, they only wear pink and they poop glitter etc). And you seem to dress Darcy very girly too, I´m not at all saying it´s a bad thing, it´s your own choice of course! I was just curious if your doing a deliberate choice, for example dressing Darcy in almost always pink(ish) and not so much "boyish" clothes? 

What a good question! My stance on feminism is this - it's about choice. I choose to be girly and wear pink and dress Darcy in a similar fashion and I am free to make those choices. If another Mother chose to dress her Daughter in more unisex or masculine clothes then I would respect her because she is making her own choices. I think the problem arises when women are forced to make choices or settle for options they are not happy with or that are out of their hands. I want Darcy to grow into a woman who can make her own free decisions and choose a life that pleases her and makes her happy. I want my little girl not to think that looking like a barbie doll is important but to place value on strength of character, good values and high morals. If we choose to do those things whilst wearing clothes that make us feel nice, then I don't think that's a bad thing. 

Choice and free will are key. At the moment Darcy is 2 so I make her choices but once she is old enough, we can reassess and go from there. 

Do you ever feel as if your life is becoming very monotonous and repetitive? What do you do when feeling like this? I know you must appreciate having Darcy and Matt and that you "love the small things in life" but do you ever just want to drive to see Zoe for a week and not have to worry about anything?

There are absolutely times when I would love to just jump in my car, fill up with petrol and drive off on my own and do whatever I like, but the facts are I can't do that. When I chose to get married and planned our family I knew that I would loose a certain amount of freedom and frankly, it's crap. I wish you could still be as carefree and adventurous. I do love the little things in life and I do obviously love having my family but yes, things can become repetitive. When I feel like that I plan mini adventures for myself. It's easy for me to go to London for a day or do things that don't involve overnight stays so I just have a lot of fun doing them. If I want to go away for a week (like for Playlist or Vidcon) I have to ask my inlaws if they will stay and help Matt with Darcy and basically, if they can't, I can't go. Fortunately they always jump at the chance of some baby-time (as they live far away and don't see her very much) so everyone is usually a winner. Lucky me!

How did you manage to keep track of homework when you were at school? I always get sidetracked and procrastinate and end up not doing well on the homework. How to manage those things now, like your youtube? 

Basically I didn't. I was rubbish at writing things down and was often in a pickle. I would advise you to get a homework diary and use it religiously, no matter how time consuming or boring it is. Nowadays I have a notes on my phone that I use or jot things down each day to remind me to do certain tasks. Saying that, I'm writing this in a hurry on a Saturday night because Zoe will shortly be here and I should've done this on Friday morning!

My boyfriend and I just got a place and it will be available later in the week. We are furnishing it ourselves and while we have a few days I'm already thinking about the dishes to buy how to style the place. He's pretty simple, and I'm very into modern, fashionable, current things. What's a great way to blend the two and how did you and Matt do it?

Erm I'm afraid I can be no help here because I just insisted on what I wanted and didn't back down! Haha! Matt is really easy going and just doesn't care, so that helps. He has a couple of rooms in the house (woah, rooms I haven't filmed in!!) that are completely his and he has decorated to his style so he is pleased with his 'man space' and I'm pleased with my girly bedroom. Sorry I couldn't help you more. 

What are some of Darcy's favourite games to play with you and Matt?

Darcy loves to play hide and seek (she always hides behind the lounge door), story books (where we read it to her and then she reads it to us), kitchens (where she makes us invisible food and we say how delicious it was) and babies. 

What is you favourite part of your day to day life? and how is it different to your "Youtube days" so to speak?

My favourite part of 'home life' is when Matt gets home from work, cooks dinner and we all just play together and mooch about. Then he puts Darcy to bed and I can hear him reading a story and I feel realllllyyyy relaxed. My 'YouTube days' are entirely different. They are very go go go and exciting. None are the same (as you may have seen from my vlogs) and they are full of a lot of laughter. I love having both kinds of days and enjoy the balance it brings me. 

What's your favorite thing to snack on?

All the things I shouldn't! Bad Louise. 

I want to ask, what are the house chores you, well, aren't too skilled at? for me it's definitely cooking! and which ones come easily to you?

House chores I enjoy are cleaning the kitchen and hoovering. The ones I HATE and am rubbish at are cooking and keeping on top of laundry. I'm over run by clothes!

Is it sometime difficult to have a job (I think it is your job hope I am not wrong!!!) Involving staying at home all day and not having any contact with colleagues or a boss etc? 

it's not difficult  but there are certainly days I would like a bit of company. On those days I just ring friends, go on Skype or arrange to visit someone. For all the downsides my job has, there are a hundred up sides :)

Do you cook or you prefer eating in a restaurant/have your food delivered/cooked by someone else on daily bases? If you cook, do you cook different food for Darcy?

I don't cook unless I absolutely must and when I do it's a shambles. I can just about microwave soup. Matt cooks all our dinners (I can make little lunches for me and Darcy of course) but we quite often eat out. Darcy is well behaved (mostly) in restaurants and we enjoy the social aspect of it. Most Friday nights we have our good friends Mark and Clare round and we have takeaway. Mmmm fooooood. 

Do you have a huge amount of glittery things in your home?

Hahaha yes! So many! I'm like a magpie. Anything that shimmers or twinkles catches my eye and I just think it's so beautiful. I never understand people who don't like glitter because really, look at it! It's mesmerising. If I could paint every wall in the house glittery and have sparkly carpet I totally would. 


And that's us done for this week's Monday Insights. I hope some of that was new information or something you enjoyed reading. Next week is going to be the last in this year's feature (I'll bring it back for 2014) and the topic will be - 


This is your chance to ask anything you like about nursery, school, collage, uni, adult learning course and everything inbetween. I will accept questions up until Thursday night and look forward to seeing what comments you leave!



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