Amazing Advertisers || February 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos, 

Another month, another Amazing Advertisers post and boy have I got some crackers for you. I'm particularly impressed with my ladies (and gent!) of this month. They've all been busy blogging bee's and I'm pleased as punch to be presenting their talents to you. Let's get cracking! 


Amy is quite the whizz when it comes to blogging I tell ya. Not only is Amy's blog (and face) beautiful to look at, it's also a pleasure to read! This month on Amy Lauren has been brimming with beauty related posts which I have thoroughly enjoyed having a gallivant through. As well as having written an in depth review on Benefit skincare this month, Amy has also shared her thoughts on eye shadow palettes, Tanya Burr's make up line and the Impress press on nails, of which I had developed quite an obsession with a couple of years ago, I'd forgotten about those beauties, so thank you for the beauty manicured reminder Amy. I would definitely recommend hopping over to Amy Lauren and having a browse, you will not be disappointed! 

Firstly, let it be said that I love the name of Em's blog, it's very Nicholas Sparks and I get a little bit excited at the thought of all the possible lifestyle posts Em may have up her sleeve for us with a name like that! Em is an Australian blogger which I'm also loving! I'm secretly hoping for amples of scenic Australian photography to make me 'ooooh'. I can see a lot of potential in Dear you, Love Em, particularly if Em's latest eye shadow review is anything to go by, Em included beautiful photographed swatches, all the information you could desire and my personal favourite, a quirky narrative. You can't beat a beauty post of personality. Let's all show Dear you, Love Em some blogger appreciation and give it a browse.

Another cracker of a beauty blog definitely worth a read! I'm pleased as punch to have Becky advertising with me, her posts really have been a joy to read and admire. Becky clearly has a talent for beauty blogging, her photography is professional, her posts are always thoughtfully written and her passion for beauty clearly shines through her writing. Becky you've certainly been a busy blogging bee this month, you've been cracking them out, I take my hat off to you! I can't recommend Beauty Becky enough if you're a lover of the beauty blogging world, go and have a gander! 

If you're a photography admirer in need of a beautiful snap sharer, then The London Project is for you! The London Project differs slightly from your usual blog, which is why I love it so! The stories are told through photography, taken during various adventures around London, from cute puppies riding the underground to artistic graffiti displayed around London. The London Project is a virtual London post card collection if you will! I'm thoroughly impressed with some of the photography, it really lets you appreciate some of the beautiful places London has to offer. Also, when I found this blog, I had a little fangirl moment about it on Twitter. So cool, so very cool. 

I'm exited to have the lovely Tom advertising with me once more! Tom has been a Sprinkle of Glitter monthly advertiser in the past and I've always enjoyed having a read of his posts, not to mention I'm quite the fan of having a male join our clan, thanks Tom! Daydream In Blue is primarily a lifestyle blog and it really is a great read. Tom's enthusiasm and love for writing makes his posts interesting, thoughtful and always a pleasure to read. Not to mention he's quite the photographer which always jazzes things up! This month Tom's posts have varied wonderfully, from home decor to press events and recipes, he's got it all covered I tell ya! Lets hear it for the boys and give Tom a great big Spinklerino hug, skip and follow. 

Sophie is a long term advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter and I'm always pleased to have her advertise with me. If you've read Amazing Advertisers in the past then you'll know I'm particularly a fan of Sophie's creativity. Sophie often provides us with scrummy homely recipes and this month has been no exception, vanilla choc chip cookies anyone? Or how about a home made body whip? Sophie also shares fashion, beauty and lifestyle posts with us as well as demonstrating her domestic abilities, she's a blogging blitzer that one! I've been wowed by Sophie's DIY galaxy nail tutorial this week, it is pretty darn swanky if you ask me! If you're a lover of creativity then Sophie is your gal.

Undeniably, Me gives me all the feels. Anyone who can dedicate an entire blog post to their cat is instantly in my good books, particularly if said cat is so adorably squishy and entertaining! Elizabeth is quite the blogging talent and I'm so pleased she's joined us for another month on Sprinkle of Glitter. Elizabeth is primarily a lifestyle blogger offering a variety of different posts for everyone to appreciate, whether you're a cat, fashion or food kinda gal! You won't be disappointed! I suggest we all give Elizabeth (and Oliver the cat) and cheeky follow and look forward to her latest venture.

Oooh isn't this a little bit mysterious! Firstly it must be said that I am loving Emmy's tag line - 'work hard, play harder, blog hardest.' It certainly sets the stakes high for this blog and I've not been left disappointed! As well as being a very well organised blog EBVC offers a little bit for everyone. From beauty to love and music to travel, EBVC has it all! I particularly enjoyed reading the post 'women with words' it was quite the eye opener and introduced me to some beautiful, powerful women! If you're after a blog exploding with personality and quirks then EBVC is for the one for you. I'm sure we're all curious to know the meaning behind the name too!

Frances is a gem, I'm so pleased to have her with us on Sprinkle of Glitter, she oozes loveliness and so does her blog! As well as appreciating the cute design I'm also a fan of Frances' blogging style. Frances is a little bit of everything blogger (we know how much I love me one of those!) and each post leaves me smiling and happy. As well as being a blogger Frances is also on Youtube, she recently filmed a video on staying motivated which was particularly insightful and certainly showed off her bubbly personality. I recommend giving Hello Frances a visit as you're sure to be greeted with a warm welcome. 

As the title suggests, this blog has everything! Every Little Thing 07 advertised with Sprinkle of Glitter last month and I definitely enjoyed discovering it's many wonders. This month has been filled with beauty reviews which I personally have been thoroughly enjoying. In particular I'm pleased to see a range of reviews from both high end and high street brands, it allows a nice variety and offers something for everyone. After all, variety is the spice of life don't you know? Keep up the good work our favourite mystery blogger!

The title alone of this blog excites me, and I'm sure we all know why! You know who else loves food? (aside from Joey - name that sitcom) Louise loves food. I'm in my element with this blog, it is cakes galore and Sophie, the brains behind the baking, is certainly one talented gal. The kinda gal I could imagine wining The Great British Bake Off with those skills! The recipes are always simple to follow and the pictures are just divine, I'm seriously impressed with this baking blog and I look forward to future mouth watering posts! Happy baking Sophie! 

'i 2 style' is a fashion and beauty blog written by the incredibly gorgeous Holly. Holly clearly has a creative flare for all things fashion related and it definitely shines through her blogging! As well as offering insightful, inspiring fashion posts Holly also provides beautiful make up tutorials which genuinely fit perfectly with the overall style of her blog. i 2 style is classic and beautiful. Definitely a tasteful fashion blog which I look forward to see future development of. It is clear Holly knows what she is doing and I'm excited to follow her progress through the fashion industry! Judging by her industry experience listed Holly is definitely one to watch! Quite the fashionista I must say! 

And that's your lot! I hope you've discovered some new blogging loves, I know I have.

Ad spots at the moment are filling up crazy fast, with some waiting lists as long as 8 months (cripes!!). If you are wanting to advertise with Sprinkle of Glitter, head on over to the 'Sponsor' tab at the top of this page.

Unless you have already booked it, the 'Ultimate' package is on hold for a few months but may return in the Summer. 



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