Motivational Monday #6

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

The last Monday of February. Woah there. Next month will be a quarter through the year already! Are you sticking to your New Year Resolutions? I'm just about hanging in there!

This week I wanted to talk about creativity.

I think a great many people can correctly call themselves creative as creativity takes a great many forms. You might be gifted with a paintbrush, a dab hand at DIY or able to read music like letters. All of these things require you to let your imagination go with an idea, dream up something new or challenge the status quo. And yet all of the above take bravery and courage.

Sometimes when you find something you are really good at, you are praised for it. This in turn makes you do more of the thing that earns you praise and so you go round in a very comfortable cycle of loveliness. But what about when you want to try something new? You might really want to give something a go because it interests you or you think it will be worthwhile but you're afraid that you will fail or that you will be mocked or unsupported. 

Take comfort in the fact that this is a problem that has been faced by squillions of creative people before you and most certainly you will not be the last. 

When I first started Sprinkle of Glitter the YouTube channel, my Auntie said in a really scathing tone, 'Why do you feel the need to do this?'. It hurt. It hurt really deeply. It was one of those things that I remember perfectly to this day. Where I was sitting, what I was doing, the time of day, everything. I was so taken aback that my new exciting, creative hobby was being put to the test in that manner that I meekly mumbled something about, 'because it's quite fun' and ended my call. 

Four years later and it's a very different story. Thank goodness.

Despite being slightly wounded at the start of my ongoing creative journey, I carried on. It took a fair bit of courage (and a few more hurtful comments from a few more people) but it paid off. Whether you measure success in financial terms, enjoyment or simply completion of something you set out to do, have courage.

Have the courage to continue on your own path. Have the courage to not follow in someone else's footsteps but, if you want, to make your own. Try new things. Embrace and uplift other people. Be kind to yourself. And most of all, don't listen to naysayers. 

This week, I'd like you to do one extra creative thing. I say 'extra' because you might already have some planned so this has to be as well as those. Do it with wild abandon and full passion. If it's something you can photograph, please do tag me (@Sprinkleofglitr) on Instagram so I can delight in it with you. 

Also, from last week's Motivational Monday #5, did you let out your inner weird? Any examples you'd like to share in the comments?



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