Motivational Monday #5

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

How on earth is it mid February? Surely we were all shouting, 'Happy New Year!' about three minutes ago? Apparently not. 

Well, now I have a firm grasp (just about) of time, it's Monday! Hurray! I know, I know, most people loathe Mondays but honestly, I love them. They are a time of renewal, of fresh starts and unspoiled goals. A time to draw a line under the things we messed up/didn't achieve last week and try again. Monday's are a clean slate. 


Do you ever feel a bit like you spend half your life trying to be cool? I do. I regularly wish I could suck back in the weird thing I've just said or not have made the unfunny joke or not done a little dance when over excited or not laughed so loudly or not told Kylie Minogue about the imaginary island in my head that I've been building since I was seven (true story). On a daily basis I try to be breezy. I try really hard to be as 'normal' and good as everyone else and pretty much every time I'm met with failure. My inner weird just gets out. 

To clarify, I'm not talking about that oh-so-desirable 'weird' that you might call 'quirky'. I'm talking about an inability to edit my thoughts-words and a scewed sense of what is socially acceptable. 

I'm giving up. I'm not breezy. I'm slightly neurotic. I like fast responses to texts. I like my imaginary island. I like sucking crisps. There. 

This week I urge you to let your inner weird out. I know it's in there. I know you secretly do a lot of weird sh*t and I know you want to do it freely. Wouldn't a world of freely weird women be better than hoards and hoards of stressed out repressed crazies? Yes. It would. 

Edit yourself less. You think that joke is funny? Say it. Even if you're the only one that laughed, at least someone did! 

Argh! If I could whip off my bra and run with free abandon through a meadow to make my point I would. Just know that I am typing very hard on my keyboard to really emphasise my point!!

Run wild my sparkly weirdos!!! I love you!!!



Contributor - Louise

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